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A Chain Of Events . . . .

A Chain Of Events . . . .
Before I get to the “Chain Of Events” we need a definition of TORAH.
The Torah: for our usage on this blog, means the original Written LAW, the Five Books Written by Moses, at the direction of G-D.
A Chain Of Events, The Torah presents a chain of events and actions, following a thread of life through the events of human history. The Torah also includes the end of time as we will perceive it, including behaviors which precede the end; laws & teachings along with the evidence that GOD IS GOD, thereby giving Glory where Glory is due.
The Torah therefore is not intended to encompass the stories of all people, nations or even all the siblings of a single father.
For Example: Noah, “Genesis 5:32) And Noah was five hundred years old; and Noah begot Shem, Ham, and Japheth.” [] I find it difficult to believe that any man could or would wait 500 years before having sex with his wife. What we do learn is that these men and their wives will be the ones to live through the Flood. [Genesis 6:7) And the LORD said: ‘I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and creeping thing, and fowl of the air; for it repenteth Me that I have made them.’ 8) But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. 9) These are the generations of Noah. Noah was in his generations a man righteous and whole-hearted; Noah walked with God. 10) And Noah begot three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.] In these verses we learn that these three sons that we born to Noah after he is 500 years of age that will assist Noah in building the ARK for the flood that will happen when Noah is 600 Years Old.
We are presented with timelines, family ties, a description of general events, the good, the bad and ugly. The result should be that, we learn why mankind cannot be trusted and possibly understand why we reject Good in favor of evil to out own hurt. Then we can to turn back unto the Source of Our Life, the Benefactor of my existence, the GOD of Abraham, GOD of Isaac and the GOD of Jacob, for only HE can forgive and only YOU can change your actions.


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