

Past Articles

Purpose, Yours, Mine and Ours

This is something I have had in mind, in various forms, for most of my life. No I do not know why this has been so, only that now I remember occasions of thought. It is said that our purpose is ‘. . . . ‘(what ever that . . is at the moment), as if that would or could be the only Purpose(reason for existence).

Each of us has many purposes for our existence, not the purpose each of us wants, but a higher purpose(s). One that the LORD knows we are going to perform. That line by itself is used by all those that fight against GOD, to the death of their own souls (Deuteronomy 30:15 See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil, 16 in that I command thee this day to love the LORD thy God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His ordinances; then thou shalt live and multiply, and the LORD thy God shall bless thee . . . . ).

Their actions and outcomes were known before “Let the be Light”(Genesis 1:3) was said, yet, the choice to say and do those things was each persons choice. The choice to act in any particular fashion is Yours and Mine, yet the affect is upon the World(including the people)near us, beyond us and extending out beyond our existence in ever extending repercussions.

“The law of conservation of energy is an empirical law of physics. It states that the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant over time (is said to be conserved over time)”  **this is from a University article which says “Do not Cite” so I can not give credit here.

This is cited only as a means of showing that “What we(individually or group) do, effects not just the doer(s) but others now that may not even seen, yet in some way sensed the event or repercussions and all of the potential futures and existences of those not even dreamed of yet.” Only THE MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE(GOD) knows the consequences(the good and the bad) of any persons choices and existence.

It is Yours and My responsibility to chose, every moment what we will do next, the repercussions of those choices belong to the chooser. We are more than just that person you see in the mirror, you and I affect the world and effect the lives of the people on it. There is no escaping that, for even trying to escape causes events to happen. I tell you that: YOU are important, valuable and needed, yet every action you take(even non-action) effects the world. You can and should act according to the LAWS Written by Moses at THE LORD’s direction(FIVE BOOKS OF MOSES).

If you do not act according to those laws and teachings, know that you still have and had an effect upon the world for good and/or evil according to what you decided to do. Consider that If Pharaoh had just let the first request by Moses stand, the story of Exodus would have been unremarkable, yet because he would not let the people go until much later, most of the people on earth know the story in some fashion.

If you do not like the results of this world, change yourself, turn back to the One and Only CREATOR OF THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH, while you still can change yourself thereby others will be shown good(you are seen and your actions are seen).

It is not too late if you are reading this. if you have questions or comments. Or, simple respond to this writing clicking the appropriate link below.

May the GOD of our Fathers, the GOD OF Abraham, the GOD of Isaac, the GOD of Jacob open your eyes, unstop your ears and soften our heart that we may understand and know what is right to do, so that we may choose wisely and act accordingly.

Do well and Choose wisely.


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