

Past Articles

An Online Response

Previously entered as a response on line containing questions about another religion.

First I was born in a family believing in the N.T.

From age five, I have been seeking to understand GOD. In the New Testament I find that there are too many problems, so that as I am are seeking, to confirm the text as truth and I will make no concessions or excuses for the inaccuracies, then text is not true. (It is either all true or it is wrong. I seek the truth not a system where the truth is adjustable, that is not truth.)

My GOD does not make mistakes, so when HE selects a writer to declare HIS TRUTH, if there are errors HE ALLOWED THEM. For example: the Writings of Moses called the Written Torah contains the exact same characters and marks for more thousands of years, now on thousands of Scrolls. If any mark is faded so that it is in anyway questionable, the section must be removed and remade or That TORAH SCROLL is void and disposed of. The Dead Sea Scrolls, one of which is the BOOK of Isaiah, buried two thousand years is almost a perfect copy of Isaiah from the Tanakh (Old Testament in your King James Bible). This is on display in the Shrine of the Book, in Jerusalem. Imperfect because letters have faded and pieces of the parchment have decayed. Most of it is still readable, hence we are able to read and compare to today’s copies. I have seen this scroll. It is not even a TORAH SCROLL, but held to be the the written Word of GOD from the Prophet Isaiah.

Evidence: Numbers 12: “6 And He said: ‘Hear now My words: if there be a prophet among you, I the LORD do make Myself known unto him in a vision, I do speak with him in a dream. 7 My servant Moses is not so; he is trusted in all My house; 8 with him do I speak mouth to mouth, even manifestly, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the LORD doth he behold; wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against My servant, against Moses?’”

My Bible, when I was six, came with an Old Testament, where the first five books are written by the Hand of Moses. GOD gave the Laws and Instructions, the People Heard(3,000,000 +/- as Sinai Exodus 20) Moses Writes It Down then reads to the people, which agree to the writing. Those five books and all of the Tanakh(Old Testament) seem to be treated as nice to have been but of little value to KNOW. I think this is because you will not find the GOD of Abraham in the new, nor evidence justifying anything in new.

After the TORAH, we have the records of Joshua and Judges, Kings and Chronicles giving us the record, which demonstrates what happens when we go against THE ALMIGHTY GOD.

Last is the Old Testament is Prophets, speaking in the Name of The ALMIGHTY, give warnings to change our ways, and what will happen at the end of days.

I explain in my writings, about sin, forgiveness, returning. . . . I am writing and have written many entries in a blog. Answers to many troubling questions, my own and questions from others, all using the Torah(Five Books of Moses) and the Tanakh(Old Testament) usually including links to Hebrew/English text so that the reader can determine for themselves if I am telling the truth or whether I just have it all wrong.

I personally worry about leading anyone astray, so I am invested in knowing what I am talking about. I have been studying this for most of my life.
Samples of my interests:

1) Your soul is the Spirit of the ALMIGHTY in your flesh.
2) The Almighty Knew before saying “Let there be light” that I would be writing this and that maybe(My questioning not HIS) you will read it.

1) If HE KNEW we were going to fail, why do any of this?
2) How is HE my FATHER?
3) There is ONLY ONE GOD, and HE is alone, HE is waiting for the correct moment and the last soul to choose HIM and be Righteous(the Choosing means that you must act/do that which is Righteous.).

For Abram in “Genesis 15:6 And he believed in the LORD; and He counted it to him for righteousness.” Righteousness was believing what the LORD SAID.

Ezekiel 18:27 Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive.

Ezekiel 18:32 For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD; wherefore turn yourselves, and live.
I hope this helps you.


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