The Lying Words “The temple of the LORD”

The Lying Words ‘’The temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD’, or how about ‘The western wall, the western wall’ or Temple Mount, . . . . What is wrong with these words?

It is not the “Temple”, the Wall”, the “Mount”, the “Arc of the Covenenat”, that can save or benefit you. We have missed the truth and followed after lying words, and yet we continue even today.

The Word of the LORD does not change. HIS LAWS do not change. HIS Covenants(Contracts) with us do not change. So far, we really […]

The Wall -- Enhanced!

The Wall is Truly a troublesome place, for a couple of reasons. First it does not face the Place The LORD placed HIS NAME.

The Second trouble: Why would so many religious leaders, point their followers away from HIS NAME? I will continue this one later. Back to The Wall!

This is a picture I took 20150730, of The Wall. It is a standard first picture of the wall. What we a looking at is the western retaining wall of the Second Temple grounds. Not only is this not an original retaining wall for the Temple King Solomon […]