

Past Articles

Today’s Challenges For Men and Women.

It has been said that a man has the feeling(memory) of being dust and worth nothing, so he is afraid that he might really be nothing.

A woman thinks she is everything, perhaps because she did not come from “nothing.”

Even today, a man must build himself, to be able to get the possibility of a woman to protect, provide for, to lead, . . . Hence a man still starts as nothing and must work to develop into something. The word woman means “Of Man”. As in Genesis 2:”23 And the man said: ‘This is now bone of […]

What Will Be, Will . . . .

What will be, will be! You can only choose, to be on the right or wrong side. All else will come to pass as HE declared it.

This Universe is not controlled by man nor woman. HE that created the Heavens and the Earth, including all things in them, and all required for them to exist, HE IS GOD; THE ALMIGHTY; The GOD of Abraham, of Isaac, of Jacob; The LIVING GOD; there is no other.

[Exodus 3:6 Moreover He said: ‘I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God […]

Discussion Between Two People, Man and Computer


It is said that Man is an animal.

Computers make decisions. 

A.I. Can think independently, make choices. Man can also be trained/programmed. 

A.I. Can also make choices based upon those considerations. A.I. Is like man.









Except that Man has a Soul, and decides how to act.

Computers are programmed to imitate Man, they are not Man.

You are correct. Man can be trained, programmed, have his perceptions and values changed, by various means, peer pressure, education, group think, entertainment, . . . .

Wrong! A.I. Is acting like Man, and […]

The Daughters of Zelophehad

Importance of the Land; Evidence

This Covenant between Abraham and THE LORD in Genesis 17:7 And I will establish My covenant between Me and thee and thy seed after thee throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee and to thy seed after thee.8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land of thy sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.’

The Land

Leviticus 25:23 And the land shall not be sold in perpetuity; for the land is Mine; for ye are […]


Definition for this writing:“ISMs” are Communism; Fascism; Socialism; with all of their diverse names. Like: National Socialist(NATZI), or Social Justice(which has absolutely nothing to do with Justice), social justice warriors(SJW = Hitlers youth movement).

What, they all have in common, selling points and ideas include: take from those that have and share the wealth with everybody. Those in power will take care of you. They need to remove the Creator of the Heavens and Earth from power. They declare that their ‘Ism’ is what allows you to live and breath. So bow down to us or you will be […]

Remembrance, Day of

A thought provoking time or at least it should be.

The remembrance participation is getting smaller and smaller. Even to the point that I have heard “This may be the last year for this event. Attendance has gotten so small . . . .”

Perhaps, what is being presented as the reason for this event, is causing such a dwindling attendance.

In essences, 6 million Jews where herded via train, truck or by a march to some location then they were killed. Most by firing squad, sword, a group of machine guns from the back of trucks, or many […]

The Consequences Of Our Actions

This is about another insight which gives more understanding about the Written Torah and Your Life’s results.

This started from a text message from someone I love and care, though they are not with me. The message was, “I think people are going to beat god to the punch”. Referring to the planned total destruction of life on this planet by people on this planet.

That set me to thinking about the Written Torah, which spread to the Whole Tanakh. Comparing from our start on this world until now. Humans and our actions.

In starting to address that […]

A Remnant

rem·​nant | \ ˈrem-nənt  \Definition of remnant (Entry 1 of 2)1a: a usually small part, member, or trace remainingb: a small surviving group —often used in plural

For me this is a troubling thought. Which starts with Deuteronomy 32:9 For the portion of the LORD is His people, Jacob the lot of His inheritance. Only a small part of HIS Children will return. Because they refuse their father, ignore HIS teachings, break HIS Covenants and HIS Laws. It is not as if any of HIS words are evil or unrighteous. They are in fact perfect in judgment and in our benefit to do them. If every one just […]

The Question: Who Am I?

I was introduced to a series of movies called “Kung Fu Panda” by someone I really care about. In this animation, the hero of the story is always searching to be something better or different and ultimately always questions himself with “Who Am I?”.

The Panda’s final answer is “I am all of these things!”. That is where we are going to end up, when this piece is done.

The movie or movies are not how I got on this subject. It happened as I was thinking about what happened last night at a Jewish Learning event. During said […]

My body, My choice includes:

My body, My choice includes: My choice, My Responsibility, then My Shame.

You should know before you go any further, this will be a frank article and so may offend your sensitive nature. There for BEWARE!

Ooooh! What shame is that?

“My Body”

We will get to that, but let’s start with “My Body”. It is the only body you have and the only one you get in this life. What you do to it is up to you. Or better yet, it is your responsibility. For a female, the power to create life is hers alone in the […]