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Making Space for HASHEM, or making space for TORAH.

Making Space for HASHEM, or making space for TORAH?

The very thought of this question, brings up even more questions but, I will strive to stay on topic for this one.

The approach I will use to explain this is: Identify desired(D) state; Identify current(C) state; My Steps(M), those steps I take to get C = D.

Desire state, are we there yet? If C = D success, If C < D, Start at current state and do it again. You will get there!

Desired state = Ready for HASHEM to show me, that which I need to SEE.(This is not what I want to see, I trust that MY LORD will teach me what I should know. SEE = Understanding or Knowing in the TORAH, i.e.  Genesis 1:4  And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.) In this example GOD Sees the light and knows it condition.

Current state = I am filled with the worldly concerns like: Worry; Personal desires; Thoughts about others, places and things which have become turmoil in my thoughts; Anger, that things are not the way I want them, or someone has done or said something that has touched a never; Frustration, is for me a lower setting than anger; Concerned; about something or many things, (politics, work, research, news, events(pass or future); Un-natural invaders, cellphone, computer, television, chat, email, games, books, school, work, . . . . . All of these are examples of things that maybe in My(or Your) Current state. They can be the subject of what I am to learn, now!

My Steps = Calm down! Be Thankful, I mean to be Really Thankful about Being Alive; that there is HASHEM, CREATOR OF THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH; that I have the chance to choose what will happen to my soul; for the weather, my location, being alive, being able to think, seeing beauty in the world around me; . . . .! Know that THE GOD OF OUR FATHERS, The GOD of Abraham, The GOD of Isaac, The GOD of Jacob, IS MY GOD and HE is in control. I am to trust HIM! By this time, I am ready to talk to GOD and to listen, to learn, to seek the truth and be open to whatever HE will show me. This does not mean that HE is ready to accept me spiritually, maybe I have sins for which I have not sought forgiveness from THE LORD, now is a great time to be humble and consider what I have done since the last time I stood be before HIM in my Soul — I repent and mean it. This is a humbling experience if you do it correctly.

Now I am ready, for the nothing stands between me and MY GOD. Whether I am reading for the Weekly Portion(Parsha),or the TANAKH or just talking to HASHEM or even considering something I think I already know, I find more that lifts me up and shows that which I am to learn RIGHT NOW.

Even writing this down, for me has been a Blessing. Thank you for let me share this, and to Daniel for asking.



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