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What Does it Mean to “Believe in G‑d”? – Questions & Answers

Great question, if it is real.


Moses failed at the second event of the water from the rock. Many have declared different things were the cause. I have not found their choices fruitful or even true, when GOD HIMSELF made the charge. Numbers 20:12 And the LORD said unto Moses and Aaron: ‘Because ye believed not in Me, to sanctify Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.’ The word ‘believed’ in this case from the Hebrew is better translated TRUST, hence “Because you did not TRUST ME, top give me the glory. . . .” GOD explains HIMSELF when it is right to do so.

Back to the point, both Belief and Trust should be evidence based. The evidence is everywhere in the TANAKH and in the WORLD. If you have decided there is NO GOD, you will not hear or see or understand any proof, but if you truly seek GOD, you will know.

The benefit of seeking is that you just might save your soul. Yes, You have one.

via What Does it Mean to “Believe in G‑d”? – Questions & Answers.

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