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SIN –what is it?

SIN –what is it?

To chose against ADONAI, the GOD of our Fathers. What is meant here is that We are given HASHEM’s Laws and Teachings which we are to Obey. When we decide that, in any manner that negates or opposes what ADONAI has commanded, we SIN.

Three Short Examples:

1) Eve blames the serpent from the Garden. Eve ate of the tree with full knowledge that the LORD, who walks in the Garden with them(Adam and Eve) said not to touch or eat.  “Genesis 3:16 Unto the woman He said: ‘I will greatly multiply thy pain and thy travail; in pain thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.’ ”

2) Adam blames the woman the LORD gave him, but gets punished for choosing against GOD. The texts says “Genesis 3:17 And unto Adam He said: ‘Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying: Thou shalt not eat of it; cursed is the ground for thy sake; in toil shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.” Adam chose not to listen to GOD, but did listen to Eve, SIN.

3) Moses “Numbers 20:12 And the LORD said unto Moses and Aaron: ‘Because ye believed(did not trust – the Hebrew is translated either as believe or trust. I prefer TRUST –another discussion) not in Me, to sanctify Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.'”

My comments:

There are many, many more examples of sin and our creativity in finding ways with which to SIN, in the Torah and Tanach. I chose to use these because they seem easy to understand.

In examples One and Two, each knows what GOD has said, and yet, without much or any consideration they did exactly what GOD said not to do. They chose against GOD in their actions.

Number Three is more obtuse**, In the first two examples above the going against GOD(sin) is very direct and observable. We will need more foundation with the Moses event.

My simple statement(which for me is unusual) is, “The more knowledge YOU have about the Existence of GOD, the more YOU are expected to demonstrate that knowledge before those not so blessed. To do any less is a Wrong(not explicitly stated as sin but the punishment seems greater for those with knowledge which choose to go against GOD).”

We should define three words which are used by many as interchangeable, and you can prove this by doing a simple search on a web search engine with regard to any of these three words.



{*Trust and Belief are used in the translation of the Tanach/Torah/Old Testament, below are the dictionary found at this web page. I prefer the word trust as for me it requires the most evidence, while belief should be based on evidence and faith is more “Do it and don’t ask questions, just do it.”

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary says:

1trust noun \ˈtrəst\

Definition of TRUST
a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something
b : one in which confidence is placed
a : dependence on something future or contingent : hope
b : reliance on future payment for property (as merchandise) delivered : credit <bought furniture on trust>
a : a property interest held by one person for the benefit of another
b : a combination of firms or corporations formed by a legal agreement; especially : one that reduces or threatens to reduce competition
archaic : trustworthiness
a (1) : a charge or duty imposed in faith or confidence or as a condition of some relationship (2) : something committed or entrusted to one to be used or cared for in the interest of another
b : responsible charge or office
c : care, custody <the child committed to her trust>
— in trust
: in the care or possession of a trustee

ob·tuse adjective \äb-ˈtüs, əb-, -ˈtyüs\

Definition of OBTUSE
a : not pointed or acute : blunt
b (1) of an angle : exceeding 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees (2) : having an obtuse angle <an obtuse triangle> — see triangle illustration
c of a leaf : rounded at the free end
a : lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect : insensitive, stupid
   b : difficult to comprehend : not clear or precise in thought or expression }

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