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RE: H”EM’s Question to Miriam and Aaron

Let me paraphrase question presented in Numbers 12:8 “why were you not afraid to speak against MY servant Moses?”

Published: 09 Jun 2010

Some starting points which I know to be true:

— Questions by H”em are not random nor chance events in the Writings of Moses.

— H”em already knows all of the answers

— Therefore the question is being presented to the read/student and for US.

The implication of this question requires the contexts of: when, where, who is present, condition of the environment and what happens next, these are the talking points today. I am not attempting to answer the question. However, I am going to use examples from the Writings of Moses to demonstrate what happens to those that act in manner that justifies need for the Question along with those that follow them.

My synopsis of the story: Miriam is talking to Aaron, with Moses nearby. She in belittling Moses, her brother and his wife which is Midianite/Cushite woman. With no resistance from her audience(Aaron) she places herself and Aaron at the same level as Moses for authority and service to H”em. Aaron says nothing but lets Miriam do the talking. GOD shows anger a this event and orders the three in to the Tent of Meeting, a cloud covers the doors to prevent escape and intrusion — like a Management Reprimand. The event it is written in the Book, so that we may also understand what they are being told. H”EM tells of Moses special relationship with H”EM, (which is also demonstrated by H”EM in this very act of Defense of Moses)then asked the question just prior to leaving the Tent of Meeting, whereupon Miriam receives punishment. Aaron begs Moses for help, Moses pleads with God on Miriam’s behalf…. This was Chapter 12.(A rebellion against Moses by Miriam with Aaron listening to gossip.)

In Chapter 13 & 14, Ten spies return from spying in the Promised Land and the people turn away from GOD, Moses and the Land –Moses pleads to save the lives of the Rebellers(the children of Israel) and Israel is made to wander the desert 40 years, instead of being utterly destroyed .(This is a rebellion against H”em and Moses)

Chapter 15 One Law for Israel and the Stranger that attaches themselves to Israel.

Chapter 16 Another rebellion, this by Korah and his followers. These also want to lift themselves above Moses and Aaron. These are even going to take over the worship in the House of H”em, O.K., the Mobile Temple of H”em. God declares that HE will destroy all of them. Again Moses prays to not harm those which are not directly involved. GOD is merciful, and must 14,700 more die the day after the Korah Matter.(H”em acts for HIS Honor and to defend Moses, without Moses request for asistance.)

Patterns: Rebelling against Moses is the same as rebelling against GOD.

H”M takes an active role to defend HIS servant against all comers

While Moses prayed for salvation of the wrong doers, in the end, all that were saved continued to rebel and died for they would not learn.

How will up answer the question “why were you not afraid to speak against MY servant Moses?” Will GOD even ask it of you? Of was this the time of the question?



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