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Seeking understanding regarding a question by H'shem.

Published:  Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:37 am

There are some basic thoughts on the best ways to learn from the Bible(x-tian) or Tanach – Jewish.

–First, read a section at a time. i.e. If you are reading about the flood, read all of the story of Noah, then you will have the contexts and a better chance of understanding what is written.

–Second, if you have read a section before, and something this time seems “out of place” try to understand that something until you KNOW the truth of it. Don’t give up, you can do it.

–Third, when you have finished the the Bible, do it again. I like to find a new way to read the Bbile. I mean one time I read it as a good story –after all many people I have heard call it just that. I have read it looking a GOD as Father and seeking clues to being a great papa himself.

The question that I have today is: Numbers 12:8 “…How then did you not shrink from speaking against My Servant Moses?”(JPS version 2000)

That question is truly misplaced in general terms. **This section I call the Sedition of Miriam, as only she is punished, only she spoke before GOD took up the defense of Moses, most of what GOD says is hidden from the Israelites in camp, but not from us.

First, it is GOD’s Question.

Second, I know that GOD knew all of this before HE said “Let there be LIght!” ….So I must assume that it is not Moses, Aaron of Miriam to answer GOD.

My conclusions so far. Everything is done for a reason, as to me there seems to be no frivolous of unnecessary discussions or instructions. So I know that the conversation was not for those in the desert but for us to gain wisdom from.

Do you have an insight regarding this question? Please post your thoughts here.



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