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More about Free Will.

Published: 27 AUG 2010

Yesterday I showed Dictionary and Encyclopedia entries to display common though regarding Free Will.

It is possible to decide to take the stance of “what I don’t know won’t hurt me”, which is a bad idea.

First if you know G-D and you deny G-D, the Tanach(Old Testament) gives many examples of G-D’s anger to those which have done this thing. If you know the Law you must do the Law or you have gone against G-D, again.

So what happens if you do not know any of this? Ah that is what I forgot to input last time!

Isaiah 27:11 “….it is a people of no understanding; therefore He that made them will not have compassion upon them, and He that formed them will not be gracious unto them.” This is only a partial verse, and I know that it is custom to seek the background on a subject and then identify the context of the matter. Here I will tell you that I have been concerned about the number of people that seem to have no knowledge of what they do. Or, the evil they create.

I have talked to G-D about the conditions of the world and that I think so many people are not evil they are brain washed and so have no understanding. What happens to them? I then found this verse Isaiah 27:11. It seems that if they have no faith, no knowledge and reject G-D, they will never miss what they have denied or rejected.

This is also very sad for me, so WAKE UP, SMELL THE COFFEE AND SEEK TO UNDERSTAND THE G-D of Abraham, G-D of Issac and the G-D of Jacob before it is too late.

Shabbot Shalom




P.S.  I forgot to explain something. Getting your sins forgiven does not get you a positive soul. I mean to say, your’s and my job is to “Choose GOD”  that is the purpose of your soul. Either you are for GOD or you are against. Hence, when you are forgiven of your sins, the consequences of your actions are still in force and you have no positive actions for your soul. You are a Zero with a rolling deficit which builds causes repercussions in the world. You must: “Ezekiel 18:21 But if the wicked turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all My statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die.” as one place this is stated.
This is very important to understand, just receiving forgiveness is not enough, you must act righteously.

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