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“Judge not, that you be not judged”

Published: 24 FEB 2011

“Judge not, that you be not judged” This is a quote from Matthew 7:1, King James Bible, part of the Sermon on the mount.

It is also used by many to be open hearted to evil doers and is in my opinion completely against the GOD of Abraham, the GOD of Isaac and the GOD of Jacob, for all of the following reasons.

You must judge, and you judge yourself FIRST! Maybe the issue is the word JUDGE. For me to judge, a verb, means to determine right from wrong in any circumstance.

Webster’s Dictionary on-line states: Definition of JUDGE; transitive verb 1: to form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises. (American Heritage Dictionary) Definition of JUDGE; transitive verb; 8. to form a judgment or opinion of; decide upon critically.

These definitions, including mine, require arriving at an opinion or judgment based on evidence, carefully considered and tested prior to making the judgment.

This one line from the New Testament(Matthew 7:1) and the following line is one reason I know that the New Testament is against the GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC and JACOB. Verse 2: For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.  These verses indicate that if you do not judge, GOD will not judge you. It is called Logic, to read this text in this manner. Actually, I have heard this and variations on it, all of my life. So you might be asking right now: “So what is wrong with that?”

I am so glad you asked me! First, in order to judge you must actually consider the Laws of the Covenant, given by GOD to Moses, who gave them to US. The Writings of Moses, actually give us what GOD wants us to do to be righteous and what GOD declares he will not permit people to do. In short we are given the the laws of Good and Evil, Life and Death. These declare the way toward GOD and what actions are against GOD. So you must know the law, to the best of what GOD has given you to know(understand).

You and I are to JUDGE, ourselves, our actions and those choices with which GOD tests us, beyond that we must use the same judgments and process concerning the world around us. This is how to do what is right before GOD, or how to be RIGHTEOUS(with GOD’s mercy when we seek HIS forgiveness when we fail.)

Otherwise: Isaiah 27:11 “….it is a people of no understanding: therefore he that made them will not have mercy on them, and he that formed them will shew them no favour.” This verse bothers me, because I read it as (these people did not know GOD nor seek GOD, so that GOD will show no mercy on them –after all they do not know what they were to do, and so will not miss not being with the Creator, the Maker, GOD)

IF you think that this is harsh or wrong, find anyone or any incident in the Writings of Moses or in the Prophets(in the TANACH) or in the chronicles sections (includes the Books of: Samuel, Kings, Judges, Joshua or Chronicles) where GOD reverses HIS Law or says that HE did not mean it. Please let me know what you have found.

We are to judge based on GOD’s LAW, and we are to trust GOD. A great example is 2 Samuel 10:12, I use this text in




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