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Harden The Heart?

Exodus 10:1 And the LORD said unto Moses: ‘Go in unto Pharaoh; for I have hardened his heart, and the heart of his servants, that I might show these My signs in the midst of them;

The Hardening of the heart is always a difficult item to grasp when we have ‘Free Will”.

After pondering this and other things for a time, I will attempt to present what I have discovered.

First we need these accepted as facts: 1) The LORD was before creation, and is now and will be when creation is gone, HE still IS. 2) The LORD knew/knows HIS Creation, every event, every choice, every outcome. 3) Thus, there is no chance, accident or error, because if these were not known, it would not be possible to “Tell the end at the beginning”(Isaiah 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done; saying: ‘My counsel shall stand, and all My pleasure will I do’) Ref: Does GOD Exist?

How might a heart be Hardened or Encouraged?

Forms which are used;

Harden your own heart, by self importance, lack of concern for anything else; bad teachings(not being shown or refusing to consider the information); no correction as a child; a belief in a personal authority over everything else. Egocentric; vain; self absorbed; . . . . encouraging yourself by self talk.

‘Peer pressure’ Defined as; noun
1. Social pressure by members of one’s peer group to take a certain action, adopt certain values, or otherwise conform in order to be accepted.

Chemical Influences to get courage, like alcohol, mind altering, mood altering and awareness altering chemicals.

The point of listing these out is that we have the choice to do Right or Wrong, it was not taken away. In the worst of circumstances we still choose our actions. Even in war, Israeli and American Soldiers are held morally and ethically responsible for our actions. During Vietnam one Sargent was found guilty of a crime, even when following direct orders and with a gun to his head.

To show some people that did not give in even at the highest potential cost, Daniel in the Lions Den; or the Fiery Furnace of Shadrak , Meshak and AbednigoPhinehas, the son of Eleazar; Moses at Sinai;  Their choices gained GOD’S protection and support. For myself, and you should also, bow to the will of GOD and Hold Fast to HIS LAW regardless of events around us.

It seems to me that many things we do, or our families have done, or just plain circumstance seems to determine out actions. This is of course the “Not My Fault” reasoning found throughout time. You should know that no matter who or what you want to blame, you have the choice to do that which is Lawful according to GOD or to not do so. We all have challenges in our life, but must choose what you will do. Your choice equals your resulting consequences.


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Tanakh in Hebrew and English

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