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Today I have Questions.

Tuff Questions about G_D

Today I am asking questions and this time I would like your response(s)…. if you have them.

To set up the questions I need to present some assumptions:

1) The G_D of Abraham, Issac and Jacob IS G_D.

2) Moses was told by G_D what to write in what we call, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Therefore, if the original text is wrong, G_D made it flawed. —I have not found a flaw, only our misinterpretation and misunderstanding.

3) G_D loves all of HIS creation, especially mankind. When we make a mistake, we really only need to accept that G_D is G_D, Tell HIM we are sorry(and really mean it), try harder to be better, then almost always G_D is ready to accept us back and forgives us.(Not removing all of the results or consequences of our actions.)

4) That G_D has declared many times that HE is the only G_D, None were before Him, None are beside Him, None will be after Him. G_D is jealous and will not share his Honor or Glory with another.

These seem so straight forward to me, so I do not understand “Why do most of the humans on this planet not what to know or acknowledge G_D?”

It seems that mankind will accept any reason or even no reason, to not accept the word of G_D. Why is this so?

Do you have any thoughts on this?


Posted by Yaakov –James Jeffries

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