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I Like The Story!

I like the story of the new recruit soldier, who was worried that a nuclear bomb might be dropped while he was in the service. He wanted to know what to do if that happens. So he asked the drill instructor. The instructor thought about it of awhile as this does not come up often, then he seriously stated, “ Find a desk or closet, you know something sturdy. Get under it or inside it. Get into the smallest ball you can and kiss your bottom good-bye.” This is not terrible advice, but it sounds and is, really not going to help.

Wait a minute, this seems to be the kind of advice I hear from religion about THE ALMIGHTY. If I have sinned and I want to be saved then . . . .what?

Here are the things I have been looking for, as I have not seen THE ALMIGHTY face to face. Which is also a really scary idea, based on Exodus 20.

1) I want to Know, Who is THE ALMIGHTY?
2) HE is the JUDGE AND JURY so, What does HE want?
3) What instruction do we have about, how am I to treat those people near me? Family; Friends; Community;
4) What instruction do we have about, how am I to treat those that are not near me? (Not like those above.)
5) What does HE say about me, am I in any way responsible for what happens?
6) If I do something wrong, What do I need to do to fix-it? Can I fix it?
7) How can I become Righteous?

Time is running out, are any of these important to you?

You could just ask me. I will help, if you really want to know. If you are playing a game, I don’t have time. Time is too short for games, and others need real help.

My prayer is that The LORD grant you eyes that see, ears that hear and an understanding heart, then you may return unto HIM soon!

If you have questions, write me or submit a comment.

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I Like The Story!

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