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Conflicted –A State of mind?

This is in writing mode – just letting you know about what is coming.

Conflicted – A State Of Mind
This is in writing mode – just letting you know about what is coming.

The World is Upside Down, with appearing that only a miniscule few people Are, Want to be or know that they should try, to do what is RIGHT. Some of the issues that are signs of the problems: “The rights of the few are more important than doing what is right according to GOD, Terror and war appear to be coming from every direction, the common beliefs that have arisen such as “There is no Truth”,” Laws and rules are for others not for people like me”, these are some of the signs that We are in serious trouble –AGAIN! Each time we and the world have gone through this, it is the worst yet. Hence I would stop it if I could. I cry out to The Creator of the Heavens and Earth to have mercy, to the people I say Hear, See, Understand we have chosen to destroy ourselves, . . . . And then I am reminded that this has all been foretold thousands of years ago and we refuse to Hear, See and Understand, so we will go through this one also.

As a person that thinks, who reasons and learns, one who is striving to be righteous, I am very concerned about the state of the world and the people on it. It is not a simple thing to find an answer that does not cause sleepless nights and upset stomachs. Then I remember that everything is how it was foretold, and so I can not stop what is coming. I can only do what is right according to GOD’s Laws and Teachings. It is MY soul that I am responsible for, and for my actions which are seen by others, for good or bad. Each of US influences others by our words and deeds. We affect and effect what happens to others without being in direct contact or our knowing it. Hence, our actions matter. Granted, none of this will is likely to make you feel better, well not soon anyway.

What is, and what will be, are foretold in the writings of the Prophets given in the NAME OF G_D.

There are circumstances which seem to be at odds with the idea of “having the freedom to choose.” One example is found many times in the Writing of Moses and then through the last prophet: they have ears that do not hear, eyes that do not see and a clouded mind or heart(paraphrased). To solve this condition, I have asked THE ALMIGHTY to undo this condition as a simple answer or so it seems simple. Ask the ALMIGHTY to unstop the ears so that they may perceive, uncover the eyes that they may know and un-cloud the mind so that they will return to the ALMIGHTY with new hearts. As a result it would seem that “Heaven” would present itself.

This sounds really great, except –The choice would be gone. The same answer for this is also the reason that GOD does not just make everyone Good. We would have no choice, so . . . . .

This prayer is not going to change what will happen for several reasons. The consequence of forcing any person to SEE, HEAR and UNDERSTAND, takes away the responsibility of making the choice, this the ALMIGHTY will not do. Yet, that condition is the one used to describe the Children of Israel.

The choice is always a personal one, even when the circumstances,{See the Exodus Story in the Book of Exodus, particularly Pharaoh and Egypt. But this will change and it will happen suddenly, again for HIS GLORY and our enlightenment} seem overwhelming and would justify a certain set of actions. It is our own choices and actions that we are responsible for. You could review the story of Adam and Eve, with the resulting exile from the Garden, or the exodus from Egypt, Noah, or the Tower of Babel, or the Exile to Babylon and the resulting curses upon Babylon , Egypt, Asyria, (I hope that you get the idea, they each punished for their actions.) as full examples of this in full effect.

As a story in opposition to the bad behavior where we see self-control as the answer to attempting to justify actions based on circumstances. I present the story of David prior to being King of Israel. In a short example of David’s behavior, look at when David works directly for King Saul, David has been anointed by Samuel at GOD’s instruction, as King. King Saul knows that he has lost the kingship to another, suspecting David, King Saul hates David and attempts top kill David. King Saul on numerous occasions GOD makes it possible for David or his men could take King Saul’s Life. David absolutely refuses and forbids any he knows from harming GOD’s Anointed, no matter what King Saul does. GOD watches over David and loves him because of David’s deeds. David uses self-control, and we are shown the good and the bad of David’s actions.

What so ever the ALMIGHT has said –IS! There are No maybes, or if’s, or possibly, it just IS! the truth. O.k. That which is told, is going to happen from our perspective of time and space. All of it will happen on the earth, there is no question, and much of it is already here or has been accomplished. But, not the real terror, not Yet! {So you ask how can you Know this? I ask you to judge, Do the people of the earth KNOW the ONE GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to worship only HIM, to trust only HIM and therefore keep HIS LAWS and TEACHINGS? N…..O…..! Therefore the WORST IS YET TO COME.} It is again my responsibility to choose Good and not Bad for my actions, this makes me one of GOD’s children, my actions and choices.(Isaiah 40 and 56 are good examples of what GDO wants from us.)

Second, GOD requires us to choose GOD OR not god(Life and Death, Good and Evil, Right and Wrong.). This is our only choice, to follow the GOD of Abraham, GOD of Isaac, GOD of Jacob (These are three witnesses of GOD, with blessings, of which we are a part.) or we are against GOD. If HE opens and uncovers and clears what we have done, then HE takes away the Choice. The choice has direct effect upon your soul and its value to GOD, which seems to be valued above all creation, such that creations seems to have been for this purpose.

Third, Deuteronomy 30:1) And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt bethink thyself among all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath driven thee, 2) and shalt return unto the LORD thy God, and hearken to His voice according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul; 3) that then the LORD thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the peoples, whither the LORD thy God hath scattered thee. ===This is one of many descriptions of the End Of Days events in the Tanakh (Old Testament) regarding the Children of Israel and those that accept the LORD of Jacob as GOD. A second confirming description is in Leviticus 26.(You shall judge the truth only on the witness of two or more.)

The result of all of this brings me back to the beginning –I would stop and give understanding, pception and knowledge so that we would choose wisely. It is a great thing that I am not in charge, for I would blow the Righteous Outcome and settle for less, But The CREATOR OF THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH knows what HE has done, along with the perfect outcome. This is far beyond all human understanding so I will trust GOD and HIS plan. All I can do is: “Isaiah 56:1 Thus saith the LORD: Keep ye justice, and do righteousness; for My salvation is near to come, and My favour to be revealed. 2 Happy is the man that doeth this, and the son of man that holdeth fast by it: that keepeth the sabbath from profaning it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil.”

Note: In order to be able to perform what Isaiah 56 speaks about, one must know the LAW, Judge himself(regarding his success and failures in doing so) and Walk humbly before the GOD of OUR FATHERS, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Seek out knowledge of GOD’s laws and teachings. Seek the LIVING GOD OF ISRAEL, and you will find HIM.

I have a theory and this is not in the Torah, although based on the Torah and Tanakh, but it is from my understanding alone. It seems to me that the Master of the Universe, in knowing everything from the “Let There Be Light!” command to the “Lights Out!” command, is waiting for that perfect moment. That moment when the last soul chooses good instead of bad. . . . Really when the last TRUE choice is made for GOD, then all others will know their shame, of their choices and actions.

If I get questions regarding any and all of this, I will expound further.


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