

Past Articles

The Introduction To The LIVING GOD OF ISRAEL

Which is worse? Never knowing that there is a ALMIGHTY GOD or knowing that HE IS and then doing your own thing. Which is worse?

To quote Yoda from Star Wars, “Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.”

Second quote: “All I know is the choices me make, dictate the life we lead.”Bill Rago ‘The Renaissance Man’ ….” “To thine own self be true.”(Shakespeare–Hamlet)

Leviticus 19:2 Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say unto them: Ye shall be holy; for I the LORD your God am holy.

Your Soul, IS the Spirit […]

Is It Over Yet? -- Part 2

Link to

Is It Over Yet? — Part 1 Is It Over Yet? — Part 2

On with the evidence:

The Words of the Prophets, all of them(all the words of the LORD) still stand against us. We have a State(Israel), yet we do not concern ourselves with HIS Covenant. We make deals with every enemy around us and even those on the other side of the earth from us, because we do not accept HIM or HIS WORD. Always we are worried about what the others will think. In Jerusalem, any version of any religion is acceptable except Judaism, […]

Is It Over Yet? -- Part 1

When starting this piece, I was reminded of the phrase “when ye see their way and their doings” which is from Ezekiel 14:23 below. While I was considering this passage and other places where the LORD is speaking about “their doings”, a more disconcerting thought came to mind. A question about “Is It Over Yet?”, regarding the LORD’S stated punishments of our doings.

Should that not mean that the Last Days are near? Have we corrected our ways yet? Have we become the “Nation of Priest”, identified in Exodus 19?

The answer must be NO! Even a resounding NO No […]

The Rejection of Reason?

How did we get to this topic? What does this have to do with: Torah? Tanakh? Today?

Rejection of Reason was referred by Caroline Glick in “Why the Jews? Caroline Glick explains the roots of genocidal Jew hatred”. There she presents the Rejection of Reason as a rejection of personal responsibility, where one is to make a personal discernment between good or evil, Then to choose good each time. At the root of blood lust since the beginning, is this rejection of reason; a rejection of individualism; a rejection of responsibility; a rejection of the notion that we have to […]

Yaakov's Challah

Yaakov’s Challah

Preheat Oven to 330 before cooking. Need a large oven with multiple racks, 2 racks, able to handle 2, 8×11 cookie sheets of Challah.

Ingredients 4 cups purified boiling water. Bob’s Red Mill Organic Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flower Organic Whole Wheat White unbleached flower 2 Tbs bakers yeast (Red Dot quick rise yeast) 2 Tbs of Organic Honey -Your flavor 4 Eggs + One egg – for coating 4 Tbs Organic, first cold pressed Olive Oil 4 Tbs Organic Cold Milled Flax Seed

Honey in mixing bowl, pour in boiling water, with spatula carefully stir until honey […]

Why Me?

Born in America, in the 1950’s, in Southern Indiana, which is a far cry from Jerusalem, Israel.

That is where this story starts, near the Ohio River, in a burgh of a town, reputedly to be the only town in the North captured and held by the South during that war. There stood the Baptist church where, I spent my first Sunday on this earth. The church where my Grandfather had a long term relationship, as a member, deacon and teacher of adult bible study.

The fact that this in America, after World War II, at a time when you […]

Understanding What Is Coming

Understanding what is coming, but will you get it too late?

Looking around the world, at people, the news, the behavior of: countries, people, the left, the right, the . . . . .well there is a lot to think about.

Yes, I know, I put people in twice. It is about the people. How everyone of us deal with each other. Whether or not an individual person returns to the ALMIGHTY; prior to having no time, no ability to change even if they still had a choice. We, everyone of us, will face The LIVING GOD OF ISRAEL. Yet, […]

Do Unto Others. . . .

Do unto others. . . .

The religions of the world have really been beating this one for a long time. I don’t see that this has improved the world.

Let us look at the examples of the text. JPS 1917 Leviticus 19:18 Thou shalt not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I […]

Honor Your Father and Your Mother

Honor your father/mother!

This is One of the sayings, A part of the Covenant, Exodus 20:11, and held up to day by those wanting you to just do what I want. It has become a major control function by those not deserving what they demand. With all of the manipulation involved in this command, how does the LORD

Does Commandment Five really mean that? Does it really mean that you are to be a slave you parent?

NO! That is not what is intended. You are not to be a slave to you parents. BUT. . . .you are to […]

Did Not Hearken

Today the 2nd of January, 2016. Now it comes, that I must finish this writing. It seams an odd title for this document, but very appropriate given the people of the earth, at this time. Please let me explain.

If you have read other documents, of my writings, you may see that each is needed at a particular time. If not for your time, then maybe it was for my time. These writings come about in a particular order, but are not wrong, if found or read out of order. It seems that I must write these, at a particular […]