Questioning to Learn

A child is not born knowing anything. It may learn that it feels comfortable in the way it is being, enjoying the connection to this source of warm liquid it is getting. It feeds. It sleeps. It is in some kind of a mess which is uncomfortable and so begins to whimper, louder and louder and then crying until one of those nice people take care of me

Some time later the child figures out how to make words, and how to be understood. So the child may ask questions about everything, and does ask. Possessing a hungry mind […]

What Is The Purpose Of All Of This?

Those are very oblique and very direct questions. Oblique in the part: “Of All Of This”. Direct in: “What is the Purpose”.

My short answer is: That the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth is waiting for HIS Children to be HIS Children. To do by our own choice and will, that which Our FATHER has said to do. This is true Wisdom(Holiness), and comes from Knowing Right and Wrong, then choosing by your actions, your will and intent, to do that which is Right.

What is RIGHT? The Actions, LAWS, Covenants and Teachings as Taught by The […]

Credibility and the Truth

A news reporter/journalist, declares such and such, then gives her stated opinion about what should be done. Even going so far as to call for violence against certain groups of people. Others news services pick up the story and add their own embellishments and their opinions.

This is how almost every news service presents what they want you to believe. That you should only hear, feel and repeat what they give you to think and then the actions that you are to take. NO this is not a joke, nor is it funny. It is propaganda, and it is real […]

How Does HE Know?

How does HE(GOD ALMIGHTY) know what I am doing now?

first posted by yaakov » Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:33 pm

Your soul is the connection by which GOD and each of us is connected.

How can that be?

Your soul is not of this earth nor even of this universe. It can not be measured, weighted, stolen or located. And, yet, the soul which HE placed in you is part of HIM also. Therefore wheresoever you go, HE is there or at least a tiny piece of HIM is there. The result of this connection is that Your thoughts, […]

Perilous Times

These are perilous times. They have even been foretold us, if we were to seek to know.

A time when real knowledge or even thought is given to what is: “good” and “evil”; this has been lost to the masses.

Who defines what is “Good” and what is “Evil”, anyway?

Who is GOD?

Is there any real evidence that GOD really exists?

What would I be required to do in order to know this information truly?

Is there a source easily available to me?

As we are talking about good, evil, source and evidence; I must acknowledge that no religion […]

Forgiveness, The Other Side.


From the beginning of the Writings Of Moses(Torah), the CREATOR of the Heavens and the Earth has given us Laws and Teachings that we would be able to learn to be Righteous.

In the “Garden in Eden”, the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” only taught us the difference between Right and Wrong. There is a time in almost every life, when that person crosses from good and does that which is evil. It is a learning experience, which means that you will chose to do that which you know is wrong. How does this relate to the […]


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Holiness? I thought we were to do what is right. You know be Righteous.

Holy? Is that even possible?

Isaiah 6:3”…Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory.” In Hebrew: קָדוֹשׁ קָדוֹשׁ קָדוֹשׁ יְהוָה צְבָאוֹת; מְלֹא כָל-הָאָרֶץ, כְּבוֹדוֹ.

From this we are told that the LORD GOD is HOLY, but how then can I, just a human being be Holy? Or you?

People can […]

Divine Destiny?

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A response to: “Can man’s power of choice alter Divine destiny? Rabbi Yitzchak Botton.”

Divine destiny?? This is not in the Written Torah! This is not in the Tanakh.

The idea seems to be man made, because our High Holy Days liturgy declares that a determination of who is to die by: water, fire, old age, . . . . . is placed there by MAN. From a single entry: “Exodus 32:32 Yet now, if Thou wilt forgive their sin–; and […]

A Child Of GOD, Meaning?

During our lives we will and have heard that phrase “Child of God” many times and from various sources. But, to quote from the “Princess Bride” movie:

[Vizzini has just cut the rope The Dread Pirate Roberts is climbing.] Vizzini: HE DIDN’T FALL? INCONCEIVABLE. Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. {From quotes}

The point is: We often use words and phrases which sound good, without thinking about the meaning or consequence of such words. So let us look at the meaning of this “Child Of God”, for […]

Why Are Most Of Us Worse Than The Pharaoh in the Exodus?

Why are most of us are worse than, the Pharaoh in the Exodus Story?

We spend our lives, not learning what is really important. That GOD is; also that Your soul, which is more valuable that anything you can desire, is yours to save or lose.

The Hebrews were out of Egypt in a few months of the LORD sending Moses and Aaron, which came, and said unto Pharaoh:, ‘Thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel: Let My people go, that they may hold a feast unto Me in the wilderness.’ “Exodus 5:1”

Yes! Most are worse than Pharaoh, […]