

Past Articles

A Righteous Man, Wives and Law

‘In that day’ The last days? Can a righteous man save his wife or wives by his righteousness? Is this possible?Why do certain ‘Orthodox’ communities have wives supporting the house while the husband strives for HASHEM [studies Jewish Texts]?

A righteous man will save his soul when GOD destroys a people, nation or the world, but not his sons or daughters. [From Ezekiel 14:13) ‘Son of man, when a land sinneth against Me by trespassing grievously, and I stretch out My hand upon it, and break the staff of the bread thereof, and send famine upon it, and cut […]

Truth in Torah and Tanach: The curse of our schemes.

The curse of our schemes.

While I am loath to discuss only a portion of a verse or a few words, but I must start this writing with:

“I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not attended unto My words, and as for My teaching, they have rejected it.”

The evil in this partial text is the “Fruit of their thoughts”(JPS1917) or “The outcome of their own schemes”(JPS 1999). Often we read the evil or curse as something which G-D decrees upon us. This allows us to blame G-D for the […]

Why did GOD allow the Holocaust?

This will be my answer. Because there is massive amount information in the Torah of Moses and the Writing of the Prophets,–in the Tanakh, which I quote often and strive to leave out my opinion and ‘Midrash’, I will state my informed opinion on this matter and refrain from giving so much text and reference. I will ask that you accept my statements as what I know to be true. If you are in doubt about me, read the rest of my writings or READ the TANAKH and show me where I am wrong!!

There are some things to get […]

How could the Holocaust be allowed to happen?

This is a difficult question, given the Political correctness ideas, teachings of the SAGES, the ideas from our own hearts, such as: I am not accountable for my words and actions. We simply make rules(laws and rulings) so difficult the the GOD’s LAW can not be used. . . .

–I do not like taking a verse of a piece of a verse to create a story or to sell a particular point of view, below I use one verse to make a point, and encourage you to read all of the Joseph Story to gain full understanding of all […]

Thank you for the question regarding celebration of Passover, how to celebrate.

Thank you for the question regarding celebration of Passover, how to celebrate.

Before I start, let me explain that this post is longer than normal, even for me. This is due to the subject and its importance, had GOD(source) and the Hand of Moses(writing) not commanded multiple times, there would not be so many verses involved here. Notice that this particular event is […]

Truth in Torah and Tanach: My Path to Judahism

My Path to Judahism

This is a sample of what is in the PDF file. It is my hope that my story will have relevance for you and your choices.

On November 29, 1973, we were headed to the Indian Ocean, as a result of a Sheik in Oman declaring that the oceans would run red with American blood if America came to the Gulf of Oman.

The USS Oriskany, CVA-34 was preparing to transit the straits of Singapore. Today was payday, and I was feeling very good. We would be going south of the equator on this trip, Flight […]

Daily Seeking GOD?

A response to document from Chabod entitled: Searching for G-d, Can “hide and seek” work if the seeker stops searching?

I responded, with only 1000 characters, to only one portion, that of a quote from Deuteronomy 31:18 “….I will surely hide My face in that day…..” The actual text is “18 And I will surely hide My face in that day for all the evil which they shall have wrought, in that they are turned unto other gods.” The context of this verse is contained in Deuteronomy 31:16-18.

I will strive to recap –Moses is told that the Children he […]

What Does it Mean to “Believe in G‑d”? – Questions & Answers

Great question, if it is real.


Moses failed at the second event of the water from the rock. Many have declared different things were the cause. I have not found their choices fruitful or even true, when GOD HIMSELF made the charge. Numbers 20:12 And the LORD said unto Moses and Aaron: ‘Because ye believed not in Me, to sanctify Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.’ The word ‘believed’ in this case from the Hebrew is better translated TRUST, hence “Because […]

Belief in GOD, a requirement?

Exodus 24: 3. . . . ‘All the words which the LORD hath spoken will we do.’ With all they(Hebrews and those with them) saw and experienced up to this moment, they still made an idol and worshiped it.

Belief is a motivator.

Knowledge of GOD, while it is not required, as long as you are willing to keep HIS LAWS and TEACHINGS in all things. However, from the beginning we humans, being created from the dust to transport the BREATH OF GOD(soul) have been in need of more justification, and encouragement not to give in to our dirt(evil).

When […]

You Should Know This and Understand This:

You Should Know and Understand This:

First, THERE IS, AWAYS WAS, AND WILL ONLY BE ONE GOD. Each of of us is required to choose and the choice is completely personal, you are either for GOD or against GOD(anything other than GOD is against GOD). You have the Freedom and the Consequences to chose GOD or Not god. This is the freedom and responsibility, that The MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE has given each of us.

Second, what it means to choose: when we do as GOD has said to do (Find Laws, Explanations and Teachings in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and […]