

Past Articles

- 0 +?

Do you know what “- 0 +?” means?

When you were born you were a 0 = zero, you are not alive to be a zero. You are a “-” = sinner(your actions have been against Laws Written by Moses and the Living GOD of Israel) , if you are  ‘0’ = You have been Forgiven but you are not ‘+’,  or maybe you are a ‘+’ = Righteous, indicated as those that keep the Laws Written by Moses and the Living GOD of Israel.

Born a zero: every soul (Breath of GOD) is expected to choose: The Creator(GOD of Abraham, GOD of Issac, GOD of  Jacob) = +, or choose any thing other than HE and you = -.

So the really BIG questions is: where are you: -, 0, + ?


If you think this is a mistake, Let’s talk. You can tell me what evidence you have that this is unfair or wrong. If you what to know what all of this means: try “Redemption and Learning from Prophecy” , or you can read other articles from this blog, or read the first five books of the Tanakh or Old Testament.




– 0 +?

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