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What I See . . . . 20151104

I always find it difficult to show that something is wrong, when almost everyone does not care to know.

And yet, this is the World I too live in, with my communities and friends.

How can anyone get better if none are not made aware of the issues? While I am only me, a single person and not The ALMIGHTY, I care what happens.

The ALMIGHTY also cares what happens and therefore sent Prophets to us over and over again to make it so we could change. Very few ever listened to HIM, so I will be a pebble thrown into the ocean, it must be said.

We have and are falling in the open pit which consumed Korah. Whether sliding past HIS laws and teachings or out right declaring that we know better than Moses or GOD what should be. We show ourselves against our Saviour, the Source of our knowledge and strength and it is showing daily.

We love and declare continually “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation . . . . “, seeking peace we teach our children peace. We ignore what GOD told us was going to happen prior to that peace we seek. We ignore the GOD that makes the peace real. We ignore the LAWS of that GOD, declaring that our sagas and our traditions have saved us over the thousands of years. We stand ready to take on every sin and action of those around us, so that we “Fit In”, even to the point of advocating the enemy’s point of view. Still we continue with “neither shall they learn war anymore. . . .”(Isaiah 2:4).

We have become so complacent about the actions of our enemies, that their words and deeds mean nothing to us.

So who is it that will save us this time? Take a look at those videos from security cameras in Israel. Watch the attacks, the stabbings, the events. In one four Israeli soldiers are questioning a Arab youth sitting on a bench, being as uncooperative as possible and then jumps up pulls a knife and stabs one of the soldiers surrounding him above the VEST twice before the others react and stop him, where one of the soldiers is shot by another in the attempt to the attacker. They did not expect the attack, for none we ready for it, even though it was exactly what they were looking for. Is it possible we just do not believe that it is going to happen?

Well it really is happening. The prophecies are true. Also the words of the enemy, telling us what they intend and how they will do it, are true. They teach their children continuously to hate and to desire to kill the Jew.

While we teach what? Peace? Love? Talk to them for we just misunderstand them? You can negotiate this away? You can always re-negotiate, again and again? This could not be true? Everybody wants peace?

Like they, we have no true definitions of Peace, Hate, Love, Right, or wrong, or god, or responsibility, honor, . . . . . Our definitions are flexible to whatever think they should be now. The LAWS and TEACHINGS by the Hand Of Moses, given by the ALMIGHTY, are true, most of us really want nothing to do with them. Yet it is those given by the CREATOR, are the ones that will be there when we are not, for we did not keep them. The Giver of those Laws and Teachings will allow our deeds and choices to over take us. Just like all others which are against HIM, burning in the field to make way for HIS OWN PEOPLE. HIS will not need War or Swords and hate anymore, for they will KEEP HIS LAWS like the Good Children of the FATHER of their SOULS(HIS Spirit In the Flesh). A FATHER that knows only a few will chose HIM, so for a few all are given the Instructions and Opportunity so they my choose wisely and LIVE as HIS OWN CHILDREN.

Time is almost gone, make a great choice now and perform accordingly.

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