A Return For The Answer To GOD's Complaint

I apologize for taking so long to answer this question: “GOD’s Complaint”.

All of Deuteronomy 32 contains HIS complaints and in a poetic form. The full complaint must be viewed in all of the Writings of Moses(Written Torah) and the Prophets of the ALMIGHTY in the Tanakh(Old Testament of those without a Hebrew Tanakh).

One summarized complaint is:

“Deuteronomy 32:19 And the LORD saw, and spurned, because of the provoking of His sons and His daughters.”

“Leviticus 26:14 But if ye will not hearken unto Me, and will not do all these commandments; 15 and if ye shall reject My […]

A Response To One Playing Devils Advocate

While I was celebrating a Feast of Unleaven Bread dinner, a Holocaust Survivor, began a rant against the LIVING GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

“Why should I server a selfish, jealous, maniacal, egotistical, self centered god? . . . . .”

I began a rebuttal with questions like: You should be able to fight your mother and your father, that gave you life and safety, clothed you and feed you and an education, and belong to a family, and . . . . .?

The immediate response is “I am just playing devil’s advocate!”

So here I am going […]

“The Last Day”

Isaiah 55: 11 So shall My word be that goeth forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, except it accomplish that which I please, and make the thing whereto I sent it prosper.

What will happen in the last days?

A momentary pause here, everything I am going to present is in the Word Of The ALMIGHTY, via Moses and then HIS Prophets. It seems very common to Read and or study the WORD in the moment. To clarify, many read a verse; a portion of a verse; a portion of a chapter and even […]