The Really BIG WHY?

To take a example from The Ed Sullivan Show, Ed himself.

Tonight we have a really, really big show. Or in this case a Really, Really, BIG WHY?

Straight out: Why did the Creator Of The Heavens and The Earth DO IT?

NO! The answer is not 42.

Seriously though, . . . . Do what?

Create: Light; Gravity; Strong nuclear force; Weak Nuclear Force; Speed of Light; Amino acids; Proteins; heavy elements; . . . . Animals; man; . . . .?

Why create all of this stuff, knowing man was bad, that HE(The LORD) will destroy the Heavens […]

“Unconditional Love” ?

Is there any such thing as “Unconditional Love”?

Yes, A mother and/or a Father of a New Born. The reason there is “Unconditional Love” at that time is clear. Without “Unconditional Love”, the species would have died out long ago, because of this screeming, crying, loud, annoying, eating, peeing, messy, nasty little copy of a human, “Unconditionally TRUSTING YOU” to give them everything they require to survive. At that point, except in rare occasions, the parents are filled with “Unconditional Love” and commitment to this “bundle of joy” which is their future.

Maybe we should start with what we mean […]