

Past Articles

The GOD, Who Brought You Out Of Egypt To BE YOUR GOD!

Google Custom search of the JPS 1917 Edition for “out of the land of Egypt” yields About 116 results (0.53 seconds)

This phrase from “Exodus 20:2 I am the LORD thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.” This verse declares a few a few things. 1) I am the LORD your GOD. 2) (Because) I brought you out of the land of Egypt!. 3)(Out of ) The house of bondage.

These three items are fulfillment of a deal made with Abraham, Isaac […]

Are You Saying That, We Caused The Evil That Happened To Us?

Are You Saying That We Caused The Evil That Happened To Us?

The Holocaust is Our FAULT?

My response is: “Well, . . . . I have to say that it looks that way according to the Word of The MOST HIGH via HIS Prophets. Yes!”

So, Are you ready for the next one? It is here, if you look, you can see it happening.

Our history, even that of the last 200 years, bears out the punishments and salvations.

This is how too many conversations go, when I suggest that we(Jews), could and will end the worlds trouble.

(Deuteronomy […]

Who Can You Trust?

Who can you trust?

Deuteronomy 18: 13 Thou shalt be whole-hearted with the LORD thy God.

This seems a simple statement. We do not personally hear the LORD anymore. We either have writings, like the “Writings Of Moses” or the writings of a “Prophet” or you might just listen to a teacher of today telling us about what was written. However, we almost never Hear the Word Of GOD ourself.

So who do you trust?

Deuteronomy 18: 10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, one […]

A Strange Dream

A strange dream to be sure, but that is not important.

The Dream:

A man, standing about six feet in height. Maybe, 190 pounds when he gets out of the shower. Seeming to be no more that average in looks. He is the one behind all of the trouble in the dream. Always the one at the back of the crowd, but the influencer that pushed others forward in anger and rage.

I was looking in the direction the crowd was going. As the throng of human lives pushed past me, for I was not with them. I had the […]

Understanding What Is Coming - Revised 20170118

Are you trying to understand what is coming? Will you understand before it is to late?

Looking around the world, at the people, the news, the behavior of: countries, people, the left, the right, the . . . . , well there is a lot to think about.

Yes, I know, I put people in twice. It is about the people. About how everyone of us deals with each other. Whether or not an individual person returns to the ALMIGHTY; prior to having no time, no ability to change even if they still had a choice. Understand that you must […]

A Response On FB 20160413 Expanded

So many willfully choose to not understand the prophets. Shame! “a redeemer shall come to Zion, and to those who repent of transgression in Jacob” Isaiah 59:20, Torah From a posting on Facebook. My response was and is: James Jeffries Here is another example of how a piece of a verse is taken, and then given ‘desired’ meaning. The people being spoken to are identified back in Isaiah 56.

In Isaiah 59 we have: ”

15 And truth is lacking, and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey. And the LORD saw it, and it displeased Him that […]

Why Should I Study The Written Torah And Tanakh?

Why should I study the Written Torah and Tanakh?

This question comes from the mouths of many people. People I talk to in America; have talked to in Israel; have talked to in Shul; and even decades of talking with xtians. It is surprising to me, how many simply don’t care, BUT not to the LORD.

What will you discover in the Written Torah, by the Hand of Moses? Will it be worth the effort? Can you tell me while standing on one foot? YES, with Five Points.

What you will find in the Written Torah of Moses.

1) Who […]

UN Vote on Israel, allowed by Obama Adminstration! You should know this.

Just in case you are interested, and have not seen:

The vote was able to pass the 15-member council on Friday because the United States broke with a long-standing approach of diplomatically shielding Israel and did not wield its veto power as it had on many times before – a decision that Netanyahu called “shameful”.{}

Or “President Barack Obama’s administration staged a “shameful ambush” by allowing the UN Security Council to pass a resolution declaring Israel’s West Bank settlements illegal, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in his first public comments since Friday’s vote.” {…/obama-staged-shameful-ambush-ag…}


Atonement, How and Whys

This will be a difficult one for me. Many of the people on the earth today either do not believe in their actions as sin or think all you should need to say is “I’m Sorry” with a pretended truth to the words.

There are those that have faith that on their death bed, no matter how bad, if they just ask for forgivness, it will be fixed and they will go to heaven(where ever heaven is.) so “keep on keepin’ on”. As it has been said in many forms.

Is that right? Is that Justice? No matter how bad […]

The Day Of Atonement

So what is this day? Can we not just ask for forgiveness and that should be enough?

Why should All of the Children of Jacob do this Day of Atonement?

There seems to be misunderstandings regarding the day and the purpose.

Before we get started with this session, I highly recommend that, if you have not read the post Acknowledge, Regret, Repent! Atonement, that before you go further, take the time now to read it and then proceed with this one.

The LAW According to the Hand Of Moses.

Leviticus 16:

29 And it shall be a statute for ever […]