So what does it mean to be of the Children Of Israel? Where did the name come from?
First use of the Name: ISRAEL.
Jacob receives a blessing after an all night struggle with a messenger of GOD. Who gives Jacob a new name in order to be set free before dawn. (Genesis 32:25 .. 29; and restated by The LORD in Genesis 35:10)
In “Genesis 32:29 . . . . no more Jacob, but Israel; for thou hast striven with God and with men, and hast prevailed.”
Like so many things there are multiple means, it is uses and […]
A response to someone that wrote me that question.:
Thank you for the question regarding celebration of Passover, how to celebrate.
Before I start, let me explain that this post is longer than normal, even for me. This is due to the subject and its importance, had GOD(source) and the Hand of Moses(writing) not commanded multiple times, there would not be so many verses involved here. Notice that this particular event is placed near the top of GOD’s List of things we need to learn and do. In no other place have I seen so many commands, along with giving […]
There is a difference between the Laws of Moses and The Covenants(Contracts) with The GOD of Our Fathers. An example of this is in the Law of Circumcision, where we have Genesis 17:
9 And God said unto Abraham: ‘And as for thee, thou shalt keep My covenant, thou, and thy seed after thee throughout their generations. 10 This is My covenant, which ye shall keep, between Me and you and thy seed after thee: every male among you shall be circumcised. 11 And ye shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token […]
I started writing this one, because some people wrote to asking “Is it true, only Jews”? While others are busy with the other side, saying never a Jew.
Also, there are many people saying they need a savior, a messiah, somebody to forgive their sins,
So how does it feel? Are you one of the twelve Tribes of Israel? If not, Matthew 15:24 says the guy you follow is not for any except those lost sheep of Israel. Now, just to make this short, other places in the NT say the exactly opposite. He is for all. This makes the […]
This is an opinion piece, My Opinion in regards to family. And yet, I show the TORAH’s words also.
There are many ways to start this piece and each would be valid. So, I will start with what happened today that got me thinking about this writing.
Today was an early October Sunday, where for a change, I went to Shul to hear a Rabbi speak about a book on which my thoughts on this type of subject causes me great aggravation and I would not usually attend. However, this one I did attend, and the results were not different. […]
The people of the earth at this time, (The Year is 2016;) do not seem to need, want or desire TRUTH.
Okay, that was a bit unfair, I apologize, it should read: “Most of the People of the earth . . . .”.
Maybe it is just that they do not know what the truth looks like.
Still, we accept as truth, that the Sun, which is the name that bright object above the earth, is Hot! We accept this based on a sets tests which individually person can do, that will confirm that belief that the Sun is Hot!
The dark before the light? So what are we talking about here? Can I get an example?
I have heard of the “The calm before the storm”, or “It is always darkest before the dawn”. Something like that?
The Big Bang Theory: From Nothing to something, first is darkness and then light.
Genesis 1:2 Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters. 3 And God said: ‘Let there be light.’ And there was light. 4 And God saw the […]
On Shabbat, while studying Exodus 2:23..25, there was something I became aware of, “the need to be ready”. Not like Are you ready for the return?; or Are your ready to be saved?; but more of a “When will We be ready to consider those questions?”
Here is the text that brought this to mind:
“Exodus 2:23 And it came to pass in the course of those many days that the king of Egypt died; and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up unto God by reason of the […]
Recently, I heard a Rabbi say that a young man asked him? If God is so powerful why did creation take six days instead of one?
The answer is Timing!
Everything must happen when it is right to do so. For example: An infant 3 hours after birth cannot be a opera star, or at six hours after birth. Reason: the mouth, throat, teeth, lungs, muscle control, size and shape of the parts will change by the hour. So if you like the voice at hour six, by the time the baby had a nap, everything would be wrong and […]
The TORAH, Written by the Hand of Moses, dictated the Living GOD of Israel, is Real or TRUE.
That is where we start this article, accepting that statement as FACT. For our purposes here, we will not go into the old arguments. If you are not able to accept that, then what is said here you will be unable to comprehend. Stop reading here. Read something else. How about: “You Should Know and Understand This:”
Still here? Good.
The rest of this article is about the Written TORAH of Moses along with the balance of the TANAKH(Old Testament). It is […]