

Past Articles

If You Want The Truth...

If You Want The Truth… . . . Seek The Truth.

My personal search has lead me to the idea that if any lie is found, in a Person or a Story, then all information from that source must be suspect. If something is declaring to be the WORD of GOD, is found(after diligently studied) to be in contradiction to its laws, then all of the information is potentially flawed. As Holy Text, that by its nature must be TRUE, the Torah(Five Books of Moses) must not contradict itself, or there is reason to doubt all of it.

In my […]

“Let There be light…”

I would like to present you with a couple of ideas.

Let us consider for discussion between that: The L’RD knew every life and the decisions each life is going to make before HE said “Let there be light.” Ref: Isaiah 44:6..8,

It is believed that every religion that concedes that the G-D of Abram, Issac and Jacob is G-D, believes that HE is learning and fallible. ( A major dissertation if you have the time –I know that this is not true. The part about “He is learning….”) This is not in conflict with our free will. Was Adam […]

SIN –what is it?

SIN –what is it?

To chose against ADONAI, the GOD of our Fathers. What is meant here is that We are given HASHEM’s Laws and Teachings which we are to Obey. When we decide that, in any manner that negates or opposes what ADONAI has commanded, we SIN.

Three Short Examples:

1) Eve blames the serpent from the Garden. Eve ate of the tree with full knowledge that the LORD, who walks in the Garden with them(Adam and Eve) said not to touch or eat. “Genesis 3:16 Unto the woman He said: ‘I will greatly multiply thy pain and thy […]

Chaf Lamed Hay –Genesis 18:21 Destruction?

Chaf Lamed Hay –Genesis 18:21, This has been translated Destruction or Altogether or completed or . . . . I think you get the idea about the word in general.

The issue is in specific. This verse in question with the leading verse 20, reads as:

[20 And the LORD said: ‘Verily, the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and, verily, their sin is exceeding grievous. 21 I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto Me; and if not, I will know.’] JPS 1917, reads […]

Isaiah 29 – A set of Prophecies

Isaiah 29 – A set of Prophecies


1 Ah, Ariel, Ariel, the city where David encamped! Add ye year to year, let the feasts come round!


Ariel = Lion of G!D, and are David camped. Add ye year to year, … Over time or years will pass maybe In The Future…


ב וַהֲצִיקוֹתִי, לַאֲרִיאֵל; וְהָיְתָה תַאֲנִיָּה וַאֲנִיָּה, וְהָיְתָה לִּי כַּאֲרִיאֵל. 2 Then will I distress Ariel, and there shall be mourning and moaning; and she shall be unto Me as a hearth of God.


In The Future I will distress the City Ariel and she […]

Original Sin


What can this be? I have heard it declared to be: Sex, Lust, Lying, Choosing against GOD. . . .


I am in favor of the last one as the original sin, committed in the Garden of Eden by Adam and Eve. Yours and Mine are different “Original Sin.”


The “Original Sin” is just that, the first (original) sin. It is not Your sin! It is not Inherited from anyone else!

A Proof Text –

Exodus 32 –Synopsis (Moses had gone up to get the LAW from the ALMIGHTY, and the […]

Know This . . . .

Know This:


First, THERE IS, AWAYS WAS AND WILL ONLY BE:: ONE GOD, and each of of us is Required to choose and the choice is completely personal, you are either for GOD or against GOD(anything other than GOD is against GOD).


Second, What it means to choose: when we do as GOD has said to do (Find Laws, Explanations and Teachings in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy–they do not change,) we are for GOD, or we are against GOD by doing anything else.


Deuteronomy 30:15 See, I have set before thee this day life and good, […]

Trust and Believe

Who do you trust? Do you believe? What do you believe?

Trust and believe need definitions, so I will give you some.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines ‘Trust’ as:


a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something

B : one in which confidence is placed


And defines ‘believe’

intransitive verb


a : to have a firm religious faith

b : to accept something as true, genuine, or real 2 : to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something 3 : to hold an opinion : […]

It Is Not Enough!

Have you ever said that? (It Is Not Enough!) Have you said it to the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth?

I know that HE,(GOD) has said it to us. Before I bring out the Proof Text, I want you to understand a couple of places I fall down. I fail when I know what I should do and DON’T Do It. For example: I know that it is written: Thou shalt not covet “anything not my own”. Yet I may have a thought about a beautiful woman, only to discover that she belongs to another. Any desires I […]

A Chain Of Events . . . .

A Chain Of Events . . . . Before I get to the “Chain Of Events” we need a definition of TORAH. The Torah: for our usage on this blog, means the original Written LAW, the Five Books Written by Moses, at the direction of G-D. A Chain Of Events, The Torah presents a chain of events and actions, following a thread of life through the events of human history. The Torah also includes the end of time as we will perceive it, including behaviors which precede the end; laws & teachings along with the evidence that GOD IS GOD, […]