

Past Articles

Faithfully Teach your children -- The Reasons WHY.

The most powerful reason why, if you are blessed enough to have children, is/are right in front of you. Your children and your future, these are a perfect reason start learning and teaching. What you reveal to your children by your actions, will demonstrate what they will do to you toward the end of your life. Yes, they will act as you do in their dealings with others but, more to the power they will do it to you. You can change, you can do what is Right. First, you will need to know what RIGHT looks like, fortunately the […]

Hebrews after the Red Sea

The Hebrews(Meaning from the other side or the Other)

A Problem is found here! How can it be that even the Hebrews in Egypt, that saw the events there and then were expelled, chased by Pharaoh and his army, trapped by the sea and then walked on dry ground with walls of water on both sides, those that left had no knowledge of GOD or what just happened?

They did not internalize the events of GOD’s Mercy and Power! In other words they just did not perceive or understand those events taking place around them. Could it be likened to: […]


From the beginning of the Writings Of Moses(Torah), the CREATOR of the Heavens and the Earth has given us Laws and Teachings that we would learn to be Righteous. In the Garden of Eden, the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil only taught us what misbehaving was and thereby what righteousness was. Before we only did righteous and afterwards we knew what evil was, not that we should do evil. Having done evil, even without intent, we still need forgiveness, which happens when we turn back to GOD do the Law and to be Righteous before GOD.

Examples in […]

“The Last Day Part 2”

The Last Day was a wordy writing, however I did not put this in. Yes every part of this is important evidence, especially if you have not Returned. Better that there is more than what you need, then to miss that point which will put it all together for you. May this be for a blessing to you.

Warnings By the LORD, “betimes and often”, My Paraphrase: THE LORD said: I spoke to you, sent prophets to you, warned you of my anger and you would not listen or take heed neither did you turn back from your evil…. As […]

The Soul

Months ago during a discuss with a Rabbi. I was asked: ” Can you define what you mean by the word soul? You envision the soul being alive, being damaged, and dying.” Yes, I can. First, the Soul is the SPIRIT of GOD in the dirt. Second, I do. Who can kill the SPIRIT of GOD in the flesh, You and GOD.

The Evidence:

Soul is first referred to in Genesis 2:7 Then the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Now […]

What Is A Religion?

We start with a discussion of a religion.

[Why Is This the Right Religion?

What is your source of authority?

It has two streams: The Law VS Our Traditions Two sources for religious actions and belief. First is the Written Text and the second is the Traditional texts of our teachers.

What happens when there is a conflict? That is why we have the teachers.

A meeting of religious leaders took place hundreds of years ago, where they determined and wrote down the traditions. This became the Orthodox version of our faith. What do I need to do to […]

The Place of HIS NAME

Prior to Deuteronomy 12, we have been focused on the the Laws in the desert, but we are going to the Land Promised to our fathers. These desert LAWS, will they cover everything for when we are in The Land?

What follows is the preparation for being in the land. So far we have been in the desert, traveling with the Mishkon(The Temporary Place where HIS NAME is mentioned.) This came with it its own set of LAWS concerning Sacrifice, Praise and Judgment. But, now Moses must give us the LAWS for being in the LAND. The LAWS of Sacrifice, […]

“The Last Day – Continued”

The original “The Last Day”

While I read, my mind connects pieces of information that I know, to the present text. This makes me a slow reader, perhaps because of all I have learned. One tool that has served me well is, asking questions about what I am reading. Much like a the Socratic method, where asking one question leads to more questions, with the goal of stimulating mental activity and strength.

A text that got me started on today’s writings:

“Isaiah 2:19 And men shall go into the caves of the rocks, and into the holes of the earth, […]

A Question Of Instructions.

A Question of Instructions. 1Kings13, In brief the Kingdom of King Solomon has been split by Hashem because of the turning away by King Solomon. Currently we have King Jeroboam for the Northern Kingdom(Ten Tribes and 10/11 – Levi) and King Rehoboam for the Southern Kingdom(Judah and 1/11 – Levi). King Jeroboam does not want his people going down to worship at the Temple, so he creates two golden calf alters in the North. The LORD sends a prophet to speak unto the alter when the King comes to offer the first sacrifice. When the prophet speaks according to what […]

Observations of GOD's Power.

We see GOD’s POWER everyday and most of us spend little or no time acknowledging what is before us.

Look at your own hand. There are so many components that make your hand. Consider, that inside of one cell, with which you need a microscope to see the cell, is a an absolute miracle. That one cell is has billions of lines of code called DNA, which control every operation of that one cell and its relationship to its surroundings.

Some believe this is an accident and that there is nothing special in this cell. This is ignorance in the […]