

Past Articles

My Doubts

In that last few days, doubt has crept in to my thoughts.

It has come in the form of: How can, what I see in the TORAH(At the Hand of Moses) and the TaNaKh be true?  It is not what others say about it. Maybe I am wrong in my understandings.

I have been talking or speaking to the LIVING GOD OF ISRAEL about my doubts since they started.

This morning I awoke knowing that what I understand is correct, because; It is in the Writings Of Moses and the Prophets of the ALMIGHTY.  Also, I present not one statement as evidence, but two or more.

Why does this matter?  Any matter is to known on the witness of two or more.
One The Witness of TWO:

Also, how do I know that the information is correct?  How can I know the TRUTH?

My prayer is that The LORD grant you eyes that see, ears that hear and an understanding heart, then you may return unto HIM soon!

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