A Redeemer Shall Come?

So many willfully choose to not understand the prophets. Shame! We at so close to the Last Day, that the text below seem to be about the world now. Not the first line, although that is a part of it. I mean Isaiah 59.

“a redeemer shall come to Zion, and to those who repent of transgression in Jacob” Isaiah 59:20

Here is another example of how a piece of a verse is taken; then given a ‘desired’ meaning.

Some hints to understanding what the LORD is saying. Seldom is the full meaning found in a single line. So start […]

The Three Witnesses

Much of the Written Torah and even the Tanakh is about two witnesses, but are you aware that We are given Three witnesses forever?

“Exodus 3:6 Moreover He said: ‘I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.”

So there is the First time we have “ this is My name for ever, and this is My memorial unto all generations” Three Witnesses.

“Exodus 3:13 And Moses said unto God: ‘Behold, when I come unto the […]

My Doubts

In that last few days, doubt has crept in to my thoughts.

It has come in the form of: How can, what I see in the TORAH(At the Hand of Moses) and the TaNaKh be true? It is not what others say about it. Maybe I am wrong in my understandings.

I have been talking or speaking to the LIVING GOD OF ISRAEL about my doubts since they started.

This morning I awoke knowing that what I understand is correct, because; It is in the Writings Of Moses and the Prophets of the ALMIGHTY. Also, I present not one statement […]

A Dream of Understanding

This writing was start October 30, 2015 04:20, Palo Alto, CA.

The event:

I feel this as if I were standing among those experiencing THIS, and yet the vision is only a partial view as it appears as a picture frame, where only within the frame is focused.

Everyone seems ready or making last moment preparations, for combat with the enemy, only I do not see a combat. The talk is about being ready; an equipment check is being done, remember you training; do you have a weapon, but not one shot is fired. The is no blood, no bodies […]