

Past Articles

More about Free Will.

Published: 27 AUG 2010

Yesterday I showed Dictionary and Encyclopedia entries to display common though regarding Free Will.

It is possible to decide to take the stance of “what I don’t know won’t hurt me”, which is a bad idea.

First if you know G-D and you deny G-D, the Tanach(Old Testament) gives many examples of G-D’s anger to those which have done this thing. If you know the Law you must do the Law or you have gone against G-D, again.

So what happens if you do not know any of this? Ah that is what I forgot […]

God’s Complaint

Published: 07 APR 2010

There are many ways of looking at the Tanach(Old Testament or Jewish Bible or G-D’s Instructions), some of them I have performed.

I have taken a look in this different fashions, because I have heard many reasons that this body of knowledge should not be accepted. For example: “It was just written by man.”, “It is just a document about the Jews trying to lift themselves above everybody else.”, “It is the Word of GOD, recorded at HIS command and written by Moses”. An one that I did when I knew I was going to have […]

Seeking understanding regarding a question by H'shem.

Published: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:37 am

There are some basic thoughts on the best ways to learn from the Bible(x-tian) or Tanach – Jewish.

–First, read a section at a time. i.e. If you are reading about the flood, read all of the story of Noah, then you will have the contexts and a better chance of understanding what is written.

–Second, if you have read a section before, and something this time seems “out of place” try to understand that something until you KNOW the truth of it. Don’t give up, you can do it.

–Third, when you […]

Free Will --What is it?

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 20100824 says: “Free will is the purported ability of agents to make choices free from constraints. Historically, the constraint of dominant concern has been the metaphysical constraint of determinism. The opposing positions within that debate are metaphysical libertarianism, the claim that determinism is false and thus that free will exists; and hard determinism, the claim that determinism is true and thus that free will does not exist.”

Published: 08 AUG 2010 2010824 says: Dictionary FREE WILL


The ability or discretion to choose; free choice: chose to remain behind of my own free will.

The […]

RE: H”EM’s Question to Miriam and Aaron

Let me paraphrase question presented in Numbers 12:8 “why were you not afraid to speak against MY servant Moses?”

Published: 09 Jun 2010

Some starting points which I know to be true:

— Questions by H”em are not random nor chance events in the Writings of Moses.

— H”em already knows all of the answers

— Therefore the question is being presented to the read/student and for US.

The implication of this question requires the contexts of: when, where, who is present, condition of the environment and what happens next, these are the talking points today. I am not attempting […]

“Human Rights” Verses “What Is Right?”

“Human Rights” Verses “What Is Right?”

Originally Published: 24 Aug., 2009

Recent news:

Lutheran Group Eases Limits on Gay Clergy –

Aug 22, 2009 . . . The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America voted to allow non celibate homosexuals to serve as clergy.

Presbyterian leaders OK gay clergy – Los Angeles Times (Clergy Say OK)

Jun. 28, 2008 . . . Leaders of the Presbyterian Church (USA) overturned a long-standing ban on the ordination of gays and lesbians Friday, providing yet the . . . –

Presbyterians vote against gay clergy – Washington Times (Followers say NO)


Forgiveness, Why?

Forgiveness, Why? The world is in a terrible place, The End Days and all. Prophetic events are all around us, Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel….I have been listening to someone who is seeking to understand what is right and is therefore evaluating what they are hearing, seeing and then learning. People that can do that are great examples for all people. I wonder if the person knows about the covenant at Mt. Horeb? By the way the Soul is the death, I understand and not the body. Oh, that is what Ezekiel 18 is taking about. It is the body that gets […]

Who are the 70 Elders in Ezekiel?

Who are the 70 Elders in Ezekiel? The Sagas have said that Ezekiel is controversial, because things that we have adopted as true are under attack. What if it is our beliefs that are wrong? Those same beliefs that caused prophets to be sent to by Hashem to Israel prior to and during the first and second Temple destructions.

If the seventy elders that Ezekiel sees are performing abominations, why would it be assumed that their teachings then and after, which become Mishnah and the foundations of Talmud, are pure?(Holy) Better than Torah in that where they differ, Torah has […]

What will you answer?

What will you answer? In the not very distant future, each of us will be made to face our actions and our in-actions. This will not be as a group, club, town, family, state, country or race –to be sure that those are all important, it is our own actions and choices that will be judged. Be sure that even if you deny G-D and all of the Laws presented by Moses, you are being judged and the effects carry-on long after you are gone.

You may well ask, “How can this be?”, I am after all: just doing what […]

Trust . . . .

Trust, A difficult task for those older than 6 years of age, and easy for those less than 2 years of age.

The later is easy to understand because they can do nothing for themselves and therefore are required to trust, in Dad, Mom and must trust that everything will be fine, because they do not know what they need; what will happen if they don’t or what will happen if they do get what they want.

The Torah and Tanakh present many examples of Trust and how we are to Trust GOD. Isaac is a great demonstration of Trust, […]