

Past Articles

Why Do You Cry Unto Me?

Why do you cry unto me?

Exodus 14:15 And the LORD said unto Moses: ‘Wherefore criest thou unto Me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward. 16 And lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thy hand over the sea, and divide it; and the children of Israel shall go into the midst of the sea on dry ground.

This is another WOW, moment for me. The LORD is not speaking to the Hebrews, but to Moses. Moses has just told the Hebrews: Exodus 14:13 And Moses said unto the people: ‘Fear ye not, stand still, […]

GOD is the Ultimate Conservative.

GOD is the Ultimate Conservative in that:

Conservative definition:

Adjective: 1 holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation., typically in relation to politics or religion.

Noun: 1 a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.

Parts in italics are political or religious do not add to this understanding.

HIS Rules, Laws and Teachings, DO NOT CHANGE.

HIS JUDGEMENT IS: do what is right or you are wrong.


Making Space for HASHEM, or making space for TORAH.

Making Space for HASHEM, or making space for TORAH?

The very thought of this question, brings up even more questions but, I will strive to stay on topic for this one.

The approach I will use to explain this is: Identify desired(D) state; Identify current(C) state; My Steps(M), those steps I take to get C = D.

Desire state, are we there yet? If C = D success, If C < D, Start at current state and do it again. You will get there!

Desired state = Ready for HASHEM to show me, that which I need to SEE.(This is […]

Regret ---You Need It, Get some.

Regret, what is it for? ______________________________________________________________ 1re·gret verb \ri-ˈgret\ : to feel sad or sorry about (something that you did or did not do) : to have regrets about (something) —used formally and in writing to express sad feelings about something that is disappointing or unpleasant. ______________________________________________________________

Can there be any hope in seeking forgiveness for wrongs I may have done, if I am unwilling to regret in my life? making improvement in the world, your life or your soul.

I observe that many of us refuse to have regret over what we have done. We refuse to review […]

Torah and Sexuality --abbreviated

I have been ask to write about what the Torah says regarding homosexuality. This is a Fiery Topic anymore, what with political correctness and pushing against anyone that speaks out on the subject.


So I must start by saying, that I am aware of only ONE GOD, THE LIVING GOD OF ISRAEL; the GOD of Abraham, the GOD of Isaac and the GOD of Jacob; and to the point MY GOD. I am concerned with keeping HIS LAWS and TEACHING, because HE is the JUDGE of my actions and my defense. It is HIS LAWS that I write about. […]

“A Different Reading of Tanach Stage 1”

A Different Reading of Tanach Stage 1

Originally posted March 13, 2009, Friday.

During the story of creation, each thing(s) that is made is examined, found(known or seen) to be good(correct) before that day’s work is finished. Except when the LORD made man(the gardener), formed from the dirt by the LORD who caused HIS breath to be in the man.(Hence- “Leviticus 11:45 For I am the LORD that brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.” OR “Leviticus 19:2 Speak unto all the congregation of the children […]

HE knew the End at the Beginning?

HE knew the End at the Beginning? THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2009

He knew the End at the Beginning? Re-edited 2015-10-25 What can it mean that the MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE, the GOD MOST HIGH, knew the end at the beginning?

Is it possible that my GOD knew what I am going to decide before HE started the World?

Is there any chance that my GOD will not follow through with the curses and the trouble which leads up to the LAST DAY?

Numbers 23:19) God is not man to be capricious, or mortal, to change HIS mind. Would He speak […]

Original Sin

What can this be? I have heard it declared to be: Sex, Lust, Lying, Choosing against GOD. . . .

I am in favor of the last one as the original sin, committed in the Garden of Eden by Adam and Eve. Yours and Mine are different “Original Sin.” The “Original Sin” is just that, the first (original) sin. It is not Your sin! It is not Inherited from anyone else!

A Proof Text

Exodus 32 Synopsis (Moses had gone up to get the LAW from the ALMIGHTY, and the Children of Israel created an Idol of Gold. When […]

SIN –what is it?

SIN –what is it?

To chose against ADONAI, the GOD of our Fathers. What is meant here is that We are given HASHEM’s Laws and Teachings which we are to Obey. When we decide that in any manner that negates or is opposition to what ADONAI has commanded, we SIN.

Three Short Examples:

1) Eve blames snake, Eve ate of the tree with full knowledge that the LORD, who walks in the Garden with them(Adam and Eve) said not to touch or eat, A painful child birth and desire for her husband is our punishment.

2) Adam blames the woman […]

Conflicted –A State of mind?

This is in writing mode – just letting you know about what is coming.

Conflicted – A State Of Mind This is in writing mode – just letting you know about what is coming.

The World is Upside Down, with appearing that only a miniscule few people Are, Want to be or know that they should try, to do what is RIGHT. Some of the issues that are signs of the problems: “The rights of the few are more important than doing what is right according to GOD, Terror and war appear to be coming from every direction, the common […]