Do you know what “- 0 +?” means?
When you were born you were a 0 = zero, you are not alive to be a zero. You are a “-” = sinner(your actions have been against Laws Written by Moses and the Living GOD of Israel) , if you are ‘0’ = You have been Forgiven but you are not ‘+’, or maybe you are a ‘+’ = Righteous, indicated as those that keep the Laws Written by Moses and the Living GOD of Israel.
Born a zero: every soul (Breath of GOD) is expected to choose: The Creator(GOD of […]
This is an opinion piece, My Opinion in regards to family.
There are many ways to start this piece and each would be valid. So, I will start with what happened today that got me thinking about this writing.
Today was an early October Sunday, where for a change, I went to Shul to hear a Rabbi speak about a book on which my thoughts on this type of subject causes me great aggravation and I would not usually attend. However, this one I did attend, and the results were not different. I am neither upset with the Rabbi nor […]
Redemption and Learning from Prophecy.
Redemption is: a noun (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/redemption) 1. an act of redeeming or atoning for a fault or mistake, or the state of being redeemed. 2. deliverance; rescue. 3. Theology. deliverance from sin; salvation. 4. atonement for guilt. 5. repurchase, as of something sold. 6. paying off, as of a mortgage, bond, or note.
Learning (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/learning) noun : the activity or process of gaining knowledge or skill by studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing something : the activity of someone who learns : knowledge or skill gained from learning
Proph·e·cy (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prophecy) noun \ˈprä-fə-sē\ : a statement that […]
Published: 05 APR 2011
This is from a forum in Israel that I input on. It would not be right for me to give the other side text, as I do not have rights to it.
But His was in reference to my next post.
Here is my reply.
By your opening line, I take it that you do not believe G-D. Or that you have reason to believe that HE Does not mean what has been spoken in HIS Name. Please enlighten me as regards your evidence for such statements that is sounds to Xtian: “Not one […]
Published: 03 MAR 2011 revised 20161011
In what ways are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam alike?
============================================================= ————————————————————-
1 They lead away from GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
————————————————————- The New Testament teaches against G-D’s laws given to Moses.
An example:(Acts 21:21) And they are informed of thee, that thou teachest
all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying that
they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to walk after the
Other issues and examples would be that G-D called only once to Abraham in
Genesis 22:
2) And He said: ‘Take now […]
Published: 24 FEB 2011
“Judge not, that you be not judged” This is a quote from Matthew 7:1, King James Bible, part of the Sermon on the mount.
It is also used by many to be open hearted to evil doers and is in my opinion completely against the GOD of Abraham, the GOD of Isaac and the GOD of Jacob, for all of the following reasons.
You must judge, and you judge yourself FIRST! Maybe the issue is the word JUDGE. For me to judge, a verb, means to determine right from wrong in any circumstance.
Webster’s Dictionary on-line […]
Published: 15 FEB 2011
I watched a movie recently called “Knowing”, in which a fifth grader(?), places a piece of paper, covered with rows of numbers, in the school’s time capsule in 1959. When fifty years later the capsule opened, another fifth grader receives the sealed envelope with the paper inside. It is learned that this paper’s numbers are dates, locations and number of dead since 1959. This paper is discussed with science scholars, where every set of numbers turned out to be TRUE.
Here is what I find to be interesting about the movie. No matter how strong the […]
Published: 01 FEB 2011
We, everyone of us is tested by The Creator of the Heavens and Earth. For me this statement goes without any further question. A rich person, one that inherited the family’s wealth built over generations, seams to have a life of ease, yet bored, anger, frustration, misdeeds, . . . . . plague that life.
Every decision or choice we make which involves the Laws and Teachings given by G-D, is either for or against G-D. It does not matter whether or not you know these Laws and Teachings found in the Writings of Moses, […]
Published: 17 DEC 2010
Shalom. I trust that you are well and that you thank G-D that you are that way. It is good to Thank G-D.
In my own evaluations of the events in the Books Written by Moses(Torah), I have found a common theme.
Trust G-D enough to follow HIS LAWS without question!
This seems to be THE LAST THING ALMOST ANYONE WANTS TO DO. O.K. enough of the emphasis in the text. But, truly it is what we, individually must perform.
Let us see who we see doing this “Trust and DO” task.
Adam and Eve are […]
This is a sample of what is in the PDF file.
Published : 20 SEP 2010
It is my hope that my story will have relevance for you and your choices.
On November 29, 1973, we were headed to the Indian Ocean, as a result of a Sheik in Oman declaring that the oceans would run red with American blood if America came to the Gulf of Oman. The USS Oriskany, CVA-34 was preparing to transit the straits of Singapore. Today was payday, and I was feeling very good. We would be going south of the equator on this […]