

Past Articles

Do You Have The Mind Of GOD?

Someone asked me that in a discussion. “Do you have the Mind of Of GOD?”

My answer is/was: I don’t need the mind of GOD, I need to know what HIS WORD is; I need to keep HIS LAWS, then comparing my actions with HIS WORD, I know where I stand according to HIS LAWS.

I possess the intentionality to be Righteous by HIS Laws. The is a word there that requires a closer look: “Intentionality”. This I believe the Living GOD Of Israel desires more than any amount of sacrifice.

We will take a moment to discover what Intentionality […]

Truth in Torah and Tanach: What does is mean to be chosen by G-D?

What does is mean to be chosen by G-D?

First try replacing “Chosen” with “EXAMPLE”! –for simpler understanding.

For the Children of Israel, what I see in the Torah(5 books of Moses), Chosen means precisely that: The Chosen are the example for the world to demonstrate that: The Living G-D of Abraham, Issac and Jacob IS; that there is only ONE and that we are to love the LORD with All of our heart, all of our soul and all of our being; and how HE wants us to behave.

If the Chosen live according to H’shem’s requirements, all of […]

To be Or Not To BE, Different

Our lives are full of contradictions, and we can see this in The Written Torah. Before I go there, let us explore ourself.

We are driven by contradiction, by opposites. Not every one, not all of the time, but more often than not, for most people. Our actions are:

I want to be Me, but I don’t want to be alone. I want to be popular, but I must have privacy. I want to be adored, but only in a good way. I want to be rich, but with no troubles. I want to tell you the rules, but they […]

How Much Is Enough?

I have a question, but I suggest that you read all of this before attempting to answer. How bad must the situation become before the Jews actually return to the Almighty, as in the prophesies? How about for you? Most prophecies have been fulfilled, yet there are a few that remain to be completed before the Last Day. The most troubling prophesy for my heart starts in Leviticus 26, and continues to be called for through the last prophecy. This prophesy deals with the Children of Israel, and their return to the GOD of Our Fathers, Abraham, Isaac and […]

Our Father, The Almighty GOD

How do you like that title?

Do you think I am wrong? Because it is too hard to comprehend? Can’t get your mind around the thought?

Maybe it would help if I told you how, I got there. Whatever your answer was, I did not get it, so I am going to say that you want to understand this. So here goes.

On this last Shabbat, at Shul, I was attempting to explain why I know the TORAH/Tanakh as well as I do.

I explained, that for many years I would read the Torah from a different point of view, […]

What Am I?

There is a story about two pockets each with a note. From wikipedia entry about Simcha_Bunim_of _Pershischa: I use this entry “One of the more famous oral teachings attributed to Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Peschischa goes as follows: Everyone must have two pockets, with a note in each pocket, so that he or she can reach into the one or the other, depending on the need. When feeling lowly and depressed, discouraged or disconsolate, one should reach into the right pocket, and, there, find the words: “For my sake was the world created.” But when feeling high and mighty one […]

Acceptance Of Evidence

This is a troublesome topic for most people. What we have been taught up to this point in our life maybe in serious jeopardy(definition: in danger of loss, harm or failure). I defined the word jeopardy because, it is appropriate for the following reasons:

Danger of Loss: the loss of friends, associates and society.

Danger of Harm: because of those losses, you are more easily harmed by others.

Danger of Failure: of giving in to pressure from the other two, thereby losing everything for fear of losing the others and then your soul.

Why your soul? The purpose of life […]


Our Father

Is there evidence that The Master of the Universe, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, is OUR FATHER?

We have a few pieces of evidence to give us our answer. Working backwards we have:

First, in the Prophets we have Us referring to HIM as our Father, and we have HIM saying that we will call HIM, “My Father”, in these

Jeremiah 3:4 Didst thou not just now cry unto Me: ‘My father, Thou art the friend of my youth.

Jeremiah 3:19 But I said: ‘How would I put thee among the sons, and give thee a […]

The Lying Words “The temple of the LORD”

The Lying Words ‘’The temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD’, or how about ‘The western wall, the western wall’ or Temple Mount, . . . . What is wrong with these words?

It is not the “Temple”, the Wall”, the “Mount”, the “Arc of the Covenenat”, that can save or benefit you. We have missed the truth and followed after lying words, and yet we continue even today.

The Word of the LORD does not change. HIS LAWS do not change. HIS Covenants(Contracts) with us do not change. So far, we really […]

A Timely Occurrence

From a response to an online article. A Timely Occurrence, is that everything happens at the correct time.

We do like to selectively read the prophecies and indeed the whole Tanakh. Taking only the portions we like and leaving out what we don’t like, or don’t understand, or are even bored with reading.

It is a shame, for I know the Written Torah(Writings of Moses) do not include, that which is not needed, for understanding and instruction. When something is left out, it is a loss of knowledge, and understanding of other information.

It seems that the timelines carry extreme […]