

Past Articles

The Witness

Many people know, that I have been in the Israel for the last 90 days. They come up to me and say: Tell me what do you think?; What did you see?; How is/was it?; What did you learn?; . . . .?

I have my own questions, many of which are also being echoed by those around me. Why am I in Israel? What is my purpose here? Why is it that for every step, and in every place I stayed, for every moment, I seem to be guided to see and hear and watch something?

Only right now, […]

Family, Friends, Community and Enemies, A Message

I have had a dream, or at least I think it was a dream. Maybe it was a Vision or it is a reaction to something I saw or read, but it has some answers and warnings.

In the dream a coach or a teacher was explaining that they always worked to break up friends, in classes, on teams and in general, with the idea that champions come from hardship. My response to this is what follows.

You may be asking: Why are you telling me this?

For those reading this, whether you know me personally and already understand me […]

The OUTSIDE May Not Reflect The INSIDE

In advertising you sell an image or an idea, usually around, Sex, Safety, Money, Desirability or Fear. The most common method is to use a model; female or male which your audience could either desire to have or be. In this we are sold an outside image of a person. That process is also used all of the time to sell yourself, either to yourself or to others. Yes you are selling to you.

Let us look around the world for a moment. Just look at the people, one person at a time. In their appearance what do you see? […]

My Worlds Date Book

This is taken from the Tanakh (Old Testaments) and it is my preliminary Date Book,

I am still confirming the dates of the King of Judah and Israel, but so far it seems

right on the target.

Who Age begat Total Years Begat Earth Year Adam 130 930 Seth 130 Seth 105 912 Enosh 235 Enosh 90 905 Kenan 325 Kenan 70 910 Mahalalel 395 Mahalalel 65 895 Jared 460 Jared 162 962 Enoch 622 Enoch 65 365 Methuselah 687 Methuselah 187 969 Lamech 874 Lamech 182 777 Noah 1056 Noah Called 500 1556 Noah 502 950 Shem 1558 FLOOD […]

How Is Man And His Wife Like GOD?

Question: How is man & his wife like GOD?

GOD is a Single, GOD Created Life

Man Was Created a Single. Man’s task by GOD was: Genesis 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto the man to see what he would call them; and whatsoever the man would call every living creature, that was to be the name thereof.

Woman created by GOD from rib of man. Woman is the help mate for the man.

Adam sees this new life and says: […]


Why would anyone call THE LIVING GOD OF ISRAEL, Father?

What is a father? Yes, I understand that each of us has a father, but in relationship to GOD, what does that mean?


“Genesis 2:7 Then the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

This would say that because GOD created us, then we are his children? Except that HE also created all of the animals, in the air on the ground or in the sea or under the ground, are […]

The Wall -- Enhanced!

The Wall is Truly a troublesome place, for a couple of reasons. First it does not face the Place The LORD placed HIS NAME.

The Second trouble: Why would so many religious leaders, point their followers away from HIS NAME? I will continue this one later. Back to The Wall!

This is a picture I took 20150730, of The Wall. It is a standard first picture of the wall. What we a looking at is the western retaining wall of the Second Temple grounds. Not only is this not an original retaining wall for the Temple King Solomon […]

What I See. . . .

Israel, mostly Jerusalem is where I have been for a couple of months now. This was not my original idea to stay in Jerusalem, but The LORD had other plans.

This has been great because, instead of doing the tourist schedule of: go to this place; see as much as possible; maybe a guided tour; have dinner with your new friends and a little sleep; do it again; until the time to return home comes. Instead of that schedule mine has been move to a new location for a week or two, twice a day take a two to six […]

Trust In The Arm?

This is week’s Torah Portion, which is the Last Torah Portion(Vezot Haberakhah: Deuteronomy 33,1-34,12) and then The First Portion(Bereishit: Genesis 1,1-6,8) both are included in Simchat Torah(Restarting the Torah Reading Cycle done on the 8th day of Sukkot). The verse below is that blessing of Moses(Deuteronomy 33) prior to his last trip up the mountain to die.

Deuteronomy 33:7 And this for Judah, and he said: Hear, LORD, the voice of Judah, and bring him in unto his people; his hands shall contend for him, and Thou shalt be a help against his adversaries.(this seems to mean that Judah’s work […]

“Unconditional Love” ?

Is there any such thing as “Unconditional Love”?

Yes, A mother and/or a Father of a New Born. The reason there is “Unconditional Love” at that time is clear. Without “Unconditional Love”, the species would have died out long ago, because of this screeming, crying, loud, annoying, eating, peeing, messy, nasty little copy of a human, “Unconditionally TRUSTING YOU” to give them everything they require to survive. At that point, except in rare occasions, the parents are filled with “Unconditional Love” and commitment to this “bundle of joy” which is their future.

Maybe we should start with what we mean […]