The purpose of knowing the Truth, for this article comes from the understanding that We are in trouble. The “We” being the Children of Israel, The Jews, The Land of Israel, The Nations round about, All Flesh upon the Earth, are very new the last day. Statements about the Last Day have been made for a couple thousand years at least.
Is it now apparent that we really need to know what the truth is? I understand that the truth should be based on something that we can hold fast(Securely). We seem to be in a world of upside down, […]
While writing a document entitled “On the Witness of Two or More –Truth Is Known”, in which I am pulling the Prophesy together with the Results witnessed on two or more. Which have already happened in the Tanakh or Old Testament for my Non-Jewish readers.
This requires me to gather much information from the Tanakh and much reading to understand that text selected actually demonstrates the fulfillment of the WORD of the LIVING GOD OF ISRAEL. There is a very common theme found in the Tanakh. That being that we are shown what is coming as a result our deeds. […]
Newton’s laws of motion pl n 1. (General Physics) three laws of mechanics describing the motion of a body. The first law states that abody remains at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by a force. The second lawstates that a body’s rate of change of momentum is proportional to the force causing it. The third lawstates that when a force acts on a body due to another body, then an equal and opposite force actssimultaneously on that body Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
I tell the end at the beginning. . . . . “He knew the End at the Beginning?”
This is the strongest proof of the LIVING GOD OF ISRAEL and thereby why we should do what HE SAID we should do. To tell accurately, what is going to happen in the future, is BY HIS DEFINITION a test of a god. As follows:
Isaiah 41: 17 The poor and needy seek water and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst; I the LORD will answer them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them. 18 I will […]
This is a very big question and one that concerns me very much.
I am just returning from Israel, where I have been for 90 days.
A brief description of my appearance is: More than 6 feet tall, Payot (also pe’ot, peyot, payos, peyos, peyois, payois; Hebrew: פֵּאָה; plural: פֵּאוֹת) down to collar bone, Long gray beard, dark brown ponytail to the middle of my back, usually dressed in black(conservatively) with Tzitzit bond with Blue Thread showing on all four corners. A yamaka, usually with a tassel hanging down between my eye brows and a ring on my right pinky(part […]
I always find it difficult to show that something is wrong, when almost everyone does not care to know.
And yet, this is the World I too live in, with my communities and friends.
How can anyone get better if none are not made aware of the issues? While I am only me, a single person and not The ALMIGHTY, I care what happens.
The ALMIGHTY also cares what happens and therefore sent Prophets to us over and over again to make it so we could change. Very few ever listened to HIM, so I will be a pebble thrown […]
To take a example from The Ed Sullivan Show, Ed himself.
Tonight we have a really, really big show. Or in this case a Really, Really, BIG WHY?
Straight out: Why did the Creator Of The Heavens and The Earth DO IT?
NO! The answer is not 42.
Seriously though, . . . . Do what?
Create: Light; Gravity; Strong nuclear force; Weak Nuclear Force; Speed of Light; Amino acids; Proteins; heavy elements; . . . . Animals; man; . . . .?
Why create all of this stuff, knowing man was bad, that HE(The LORD) will destroy the Heavens […]
Previously entered as a response on line containing questions about another religion.
First I was born in a family believing in the N.T.
From age five, I have been seeking to understand GOD. In the New Testament I find that there are too many problems, so that as I am are seeking, to confirm the text as truth and I will make no concessions or excuses for the inaccuracies, then text is not true. (It is either all true or it is wrong. I seek the truth not a system where the truth is adjustable, that is not truth.)
My […]
Every now and then I am asked, “Was there a day or an event that changed your beliefs?”
November 29, 1973, time: 12:50 local time. In all of the time from that until you read this, I have never changed my opinion about WHO IS MY GOD.
I trust that you understand how powerful that statement is. There is no doubt, no faith(faith: just doing it on faith with out facts or evidence, but because you are told to.), no misunderstanding, not since then. My primary concern is am I doing it right. Or more to the point, am I […]
This writing was start October 30, 2015 04:20, Palo Alto, CA.
The event:
I feel this as if I were standing among those experiencing THIS, and yet the vision is only a partial view as it appears as a picture frame, where only within the frame is focused.
Everyone seems ready or making last moment preparations, for combat with the enemy, only I do not see a combat. The talk is about being ready; an equipment check is being done, remember you training; do you have a weapon, but not one shot is fired. The is no blood, no bodies […]